
Diversity Within the Unity


GR 150

Ephesians 4:7-11


GR 150
Diversity Within the Unity
Ephesians 4:7-11
Gil Rugh

We are noted last week usually the book of Ephesians is broken down into major divisions, the second major division beginning with Chapter 4. Through the first half Paul has been emphasizing time early the doctrinal foundation to Christian life, stressing the position that we have in Jesus Christ. And in the second half of the book, he stresses more on the practical outworking of that position in our daily conduct, how we conduct ourselves as believers in a consistent way with the position that we have in Jesus Christ. So Paul exalted in verse 1 to walk in a manner worthy of the calling with which you have been called, this is our standard, walking according to the call, which we have received from him. And of course that requires a life that is indeed a testimony to what he has done in our life because that would be in accord with the call he has given us.

The stress of the first six verses that we looked last week is on the unity of believers, the oneness that we occupy or we enjoy in Christ, the seven fold unity laid out in verses 4, 5 and 6 one body, one Spirit, one hope, one lord, one faith, one baptism, one God and father of all, emphasizing the fact that since there is only one that we enjoy this unity and this unity ought to characterize us in our practice as believers. I was talking about the overall over all body of Christ, remember that we have the same oneness with believers where ever they are in the world, but naturally the outward evidence of this oneness is most clearly seen where believers get together in a group such as in a local church.

I mean I am just as one with believers in China as I am here. But obviously, that oneness is not evident and easily seen in my relationship with believers whom I don’t have much contact. So we manifest that unity most clearly as we are together as believers. Thus it is becomes important that within local congregations, local groups of believers that oneness and unity be evidenced in our lives in dealing with one another, that we not allow the position that we occupy of being one in Christ to belied by the lives that we live and we are art with one another causing and being part of the division.

Now Paul goes on then in the section we’re going to look at today verses to 7 to 10 to give the other side of this situation and that is that even within this unity and oneness there is diversity. Oneness in unity does not imply sameness because even though we are one, even though we are united in Christ there is still diversity within that unity or oneness and thus we have the verse 7 beginning with but showing the contrast here or the further development so that no one get the idea that since we are one in Christ we all ought to be the same, do the same thing, function in the same way, that’s not true.

Now we will function harmoniously with one another, but we will function with our own individual purpose and the fact of this diversity is the subject of verse of 7 that to each one of us grace was given according to the measure of Christ’s gift. The subject that we are moving into which will go down through verse 16 is the gifts of the Spirit, that particular enablement given back to every believer by God to enable him to function as an effective part of the body of Christ. And the stress here in verse 7 is on each one in the order as it was written, the emphasis is put on each one, but to each one was given. In other words no one is excluded and this serves as a contrast with what he has said in verse 6 where four times he mentioned all, the father of all who is over all, through all and in all.

So seeing the body as a whole, but to each one of us who make up that all there has been a specific function and ability given. So what is being talked about here is pertinent to every believer. There is not a believer in Jesus Christ who is not included in the each one. We’ll that in the passages we look at this morning; this is consistent whenever the gifts we’ve talked about that each believer has received one. There are not two groups of believers, gifted believers and un-gifted believers. There are just two groups, believers and unbelievers, the gifted and the ungifted because every believer is gifted by the Spirit, to each one of us grace was given and grace here stands here for the gift, the gift is the grace.

And in verse 11 which we’ll be looking at next week we see that the gifts are gifted individuals given to the church. We’ll talk about some of the distinctions and so on there. But the word grace being the source of these gifts and it is the basis of the word used for gifts for instance, First Corinthians Chapter 12 we talk about grace, gifts or gifts of grace, a word just based on the word grace but here he just uses the word grace in an evidence of the fact that God is the source and you do not earn or merit these supernatural abilities that God provide. To each one of us grace was given according to the measure of Christ’s gift. So I think what would have been emphasized in the last part of this is Christ is sovereign in the distribution of his gifts.

It’s possible to take it in according to the measure of Christ’s gift, the gift that the Father received from the – the Son received from the father, then distributed to men and that’s a possibility and the idea is still the same or we can just be talking about the gifts that Christ gives. Now again that he is a standard and his giving is the standard and he is sovereign over the giving. So in God’s grace, gracious division is provided that every believer will have a special enablement which will enable the body to function more effectively.

Now again, what will come out of the passages we’re going to look at in a moment, you do not earn a merit or gift. It is yours by virtue of the fact you have believed in Christ and become part of his body and there can be no parts of the body that has no purpose. It’s just as it is in our physical body which is the analogy Paul developed in First Corinthians that this is one body but within that unity and oneness there is diversity because not every part of the body does the same thing and not only that but every part of this body has been placed in its position for a certain function.

My right hand is not in the process of working its way up to being an ear. In was placed in the body as a hand and it’s the same in the spiritual body of Christ. He has appointed the positions that each person will have and the function they will have. You are not working so that you’ll earn a better gift or more prominent or important gift. You were given a gift, a sovereign direction of God and that gift will enable you to function in the necessary place within the body and is given that way.

Only God can know and would know what portions or what place I should serve within his body just like I’d be a mess if I was not born, there weren’t all these parts and now we all had to choose each part of my body had a mind of its own and they have decided what they want to be. I might end up with 11 noses and no heart. Now who wants to be a heart to pump away like that it’s no funny, it wouldn’t work. All the same thing would go in the spiritual body, it won’t work. We’d all be sitting down there fighting to be the preacher on Sunday morning and that would never do. So God has appointed each of us to have our own place on our own function. You know we have nothing to do with prominence just because a part of the body is more prominent does not make it more important. Usually it’s just the opposite and this is what Paul develops in the analogy of the body. It’s the unseemly and unseen things that are more important. You can live without a hand or an arm, you cannot live without your liver or your heart. So it has nothing to do with prominence. Every believer then has a special enablement from God.

I thought we’ll just look at a couple of passages on the desk not to develop the detail but to be aware of the emphasis placed on it. Beginning in Romans Chapter 12, Romans in the 12th Chapter, just back a couple of books in the New Testament toward the front of your Bible page 248 in the New American Standard New Testament. The Romans Chapter 12, we’re going to be looking at a number of passages this morning more than we usually do. Sometimes it’s hard to find your way, don’t be embarrassed to use the index in your Bible that’s why it’s there, okay, the way the books are.

Romans Chapter 12 beginning with verse 3, through the grace given to me I say to every men among you not to think more highly of himself then he ought to think. We’ve same type of context as we had in Ephesians where earlier Paul has emphasized the grace of God given to him to unveil the mystery of the body and then earlier in Chapter 4 he talked about the humility that ought to characterize a believer. Here he talks about thinking of ourselves soberly with a sound mind.

But to think as to have sound judgment as God has allotted to each a measure of faith, here he equates the measure of faith with the gifts that are given, for just as we have many members in one body and all members do not have the same function so we who are many are one body in Christ individually members of one another and since we have gifts that differ according to the grace give us. You know the distinction in the gifts is not based upon merit. It’s just a matter of God’s grace in how he chose to assign the responsibilities within the body.

So because someone has a prominent gift does not mean that they are a better person and nothing to do with the merit of it. It has to do with God’s grace and placing them in that position. Each of us have great gifts that differ according to the grace that was given us then exercise them according it’s privacy then you exercise it serving, you exercise it or whatever. So you know you function according to your gift.

Now if you frustrated with your gift then that’s a problem between you and the lord. I didn’t give you your gift. The church didn’t give you your gift. God gave you your gift and ability. And if you are frustrated with what he has done with you that’s simply an indication that you need to bring yourself in line with him in submission to him. Now, just a word in light of some questions that may get to your mind, how do you find your gift? I take it it’s simply a matter of making yourself available.

What could I do within the body of believer, how might I function in getting about doing it and the gift you have will become obvious. If you have the gift of teaching then it will become obvious as you serve within the body. Whatever you gift is it will obvious as you function and serve. Well that is the beginning place. All right, look over in first Corinthians Chapter 12 the most familiar portion on the gifts in the New Testament and the fullest development of the gifts and we’ll be on this subject for the next couple of weeks because the section down through verse 16 is talking about the gifts and some of these matters will be included.

First Corinthians 12, so just move back from Romans the next book. First Corinthians in the 12th Chapter and we’re just going to pick out a couple of verses here. Verse 4, now there are varieties of gifts but the same Spirit, varieties of ministries the same Lord, varieties of affects the same God who works in all things in all. You note the emphasis on the variety or that of diversity and yet the unity and the oneness. They are in perfect harmony.

There is only body, there is only one Spirit, there is only one Lord but there are diversities within that body and various areas of responsibilities. You note verse 7, but each one is give the manifestation of the Spirit for the common good. Your gift is your ability to function within the body whatever it is. It is an evidence of the presence of the Spirit in your life.

Important to keep in mind, because sometimes we get our eye on someone who has a special ability in the world, a great administrator, a great organizer or a this or that. I think boy, we could use him within the body, he is not a believer but he could exercise his abilities and give us some direction. That is not true, because it’s only when the Spirit involves a person that he enables him to function as part of the body.

There is no way I watch steam shovel digging dirt and think boy, if I just had a claw in the end of my hand like a steam shovel think of what I could do. What you say, that’s gross. If anything it would just become a hindrance to the body. It would limit my effectiveness. That’s exactly what happens with an unbeliever. We attempt to make a unbeliever part of the body apart from faith in Jesus Christ. He doesn’t have the Spirit indwelling him. He is not actually a part of the body.

He cannot function as part of the body. So each of us as believers has the Spirit indwelling us and he manifests his presence by enabling us to function as part of the body. That’s why we are sure that every person who is a believer has a place and a part within the body because of the presence of the Spirit in their life. You know why the gifts are given, just to mention it says in this verse for the common good, that’s going to come out again in another passage. The gifts are not given for the benefit of the person who receives it. The gift is given for the benefit of the body and the selfish use of the gifts is an abuse of the gift.

The gift was not given in order that you might be blessed as a Christian. Your gift was given and we’ll see this in our future study, in order that the body of Christ might be further developed and built out. And I think I’ll mention another occasion, if I get home and close the door of my study at home and start teaching Ephesians 4 there is a certain blessing for me but that is not a valid use of my gift because the gift of teaching was given for the benefit of others, a new gift was given for my benefit and to use that gift selfish or see it as a possible personal benefit is a misuse. It was given for the common good.

All right verse 11, still on first Corinthians 12, but one and the same Spirit works all these things distributing to each one individually just as he wills. The emphasis is consistent that God is sovereign and all three persons of the God head are involved in the connected with the gifts, the father, the Son and the Spirit but the trying God is always viewed as sovereign in the distribution of the gifts. You note he gives as he will to each one individually. Does that means I get personal attention.

He just didn’t dump a bucket of gifts on us on us here at this local group and we’re all going to fight for the best ones and if you just got here it’s too bad we took all the good ones but we do need some people to do some dirty work that’s available yet, that’s sometimes the idea we get you know. Well start out low but I am working my way up. I don’t want to discourage you, you maybe where you out forever but there no such things as a low position as I am the little toe in the body I am significant, it doesn’t matter. I am significant because God himself has specially equipped me to function in my place, whatever that is, so there is no such thing as being insignificant.

You know how that is. Certain people do function as part of the body and yet week in and week out they get no credit for it and that goes on in your physical body. You go on week after week and month after month and don’t give a thought about how this portion of your body is functioning or that portion of your body or this little part or that little part but let something go wrong with it. Then all of a sudden that little part becomes increasingly important isn’t it. That why it is within the body as long as everyone is functioning as they should under the direction of the Spirit or there may not be any particular attention given to it but that doesn’t mean it’s not essential. It’s essential because the Spirit has placed it there.

All right, one other passage, First Peter Chapter 4. Peter the writer now, Paul was the writer in Ephesians and in Corinthians and in Romans and now Peter is the one writing under inspiration of the Spirit. Verse 10, as each one, note again the stress, as each one has received a gift, employ it in serving one another as good stewards of the manifold grace of God. The multifaceted grace of God and his grace is multifaceted it emphasis its variety in the gifts. His grace has been manifested in various ways because he has gifted you to do one things, someone else to do something else.

You know how you employ your gift in serving yourself, in serving one another and when you are using your gift to serve other believers then you are being a good steward of the gift that God has given you. Again this stress is on your gift is for the benefit of someone else. So it is not your option to exercise your gift or not. It’s not your option to decide whether you’ll use your gift within the body or not. That’s not a choice given to you. That’s God’s that he gave you that gift then that was the directive that you would function in that place within the body.

And if you are going to be a good steward of God’s grace then you are going to have to function as he intends for you and that’s where perfect peace and satisfaction and happiness is. Sometimes it likes it would be great to have someone else’s gift that the grass is always greener. Always looks better to be married to someone else’s husband or someone else’s wife or have someone else’s job, go to someone else’s church, have someone else’s this or that that just isn’t himself. When you are functioning in accord with what God intends for you that’s when you will be content, satisfied, have that inner peace and satisfaction in knowing you are in God’s will for you personally.

Verse 11, while we’re in First Peter 4, whoever speaks let speak as it were the utterances of God, whoever serves let him do it as by the strength that God’s supplies so that in all things God maybe glorified through Jesus Christ to whom belongs the glory and dominion forever and ever. We are caught up on who has the prominence and who gets the glory, only God. And if you function in a position where you get no credit as long as you’re functioning as God intends for you he is getting glory and that’s what it’s all about.

So what if the preacher recognize it or doesn’t or someone else gives you the credit or doesn’t. God knows and that’s what’s important. You note there are two breakdowns of the gift that we’re going to be talking about this next week in verse 11, the speaking gifts and the serving gifts and that’s it. Broadly speaking all the gifts can be classified into two areas, you either have a speaking gift or you have a serving gift. The serving gift’s function to enable the world to be gotten out just as we have people sitting with the young children this morning and if we added a couple of hundred children to this audience that would cause problem because it would cause confusion, it would make teaching very difficult and so they serve for a particular capacity which enables the world to be gotten out.

They have to see themselves in light of the ultimate goal and purpose to make Jesus Christ known to the world, not just to be cooped up in the nursery with a bunch of screaming, squalling kids, that’s not the ultimate goal. My goal is to be cooped up in the nursery with a bunch of screaming squalling kids so that the world can be gotten out, that’s totally different. It’s not a matter of cleaning the building because that’s a dirty job that nobody else wants if so that it wasn’t cleaned week after, week after, week after pretty sooner to be harder to get in. So I couldn’t teach the word. So everything is seen in light of the ultimate goal by making Jesus Christ known and glorifying him so there is no such thing as an insufficient unimportant part of the body. We’ll be talking about some of the details on that next week.

Back to Ephesians Chapter 4, so we’ve seen a couple of things then, one, every believer has a gift and two, every believer has the gift that he should have because he has received it by the sovereign work of God and just as God made your physical body and made it just as it should be with every part in proper relation as it should be while he has done that spiritually. Everyone has the gift they should have and every believer has a gift. That means every believer is essential.

And again I mention that so that we don’t fall back on that pious, unscriptural, anti-biblical statement, well I am just insignificant, I don’t have any ability, I don’t have any gifts, I am really important. That’s not humble. That is as arrogant as you can be because that’s saying that you are telling God he was wrong. I didn’t get it yet, I am not important. For when you begin to tell God then you are being as arrogant as you can be so sometimes our false humility comes out for what it is uncovered arrogance. But moving on to support this Paul goes in verse 8, of course the Old Testament, Psalm 68, verse 18, therefore it says when he ascended on high he led captive, a host of captives, he gave gifts to men.

Paul says what I have been saying about the distribution of the gift is just what the Old Testament said. And the picture presented is of a conqueror and it was common that the victor in a triumphal procession would lead behind him his defeated folks as a display of his victory and he marched in triumph he would often distribute the flairs of this victory with those who were his supports and his friends. I take it that picture here in connection with the ascension of Christ he led captive a host of captives, or captivity captives literally as the King James has it more accurately here.

Captivity, captive the same expression you can just jot it down we won’t turn here because of time as used in Judges Chapter 5 verse 12 where we talk about Barak and Barak is exalted to get up and leave captivity captive, uses the exact same expression as Psalm 68:18 and all the reference is that Barak should get up and leave those who have been conquered. Formally they were conquerors but he has conquered the them by the power of the lord and he have to lead the conquered conquerors in victory. Same idea I take it them Psalm 68 and the same as is used here. I refer to Isaiah 14:2, you can jot down as well, it doesn’t use the expression but the idea for those who held Israel in captivity have now been defeated and Israel marches as the victor. I mention this because there are some who see in leading captivity captive a picture of Old Testament believers being freed from Hades and marched in triumph to heaven and that just doesn’t fit the biblical usage or the picture that would be portrayed.

I take it the captivity that is being led captive is the devil and its hosts. Look in over in Colossians Chapter 2 that’s the next book after Philippians, Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians two books, Chapter 2 verse 15, a parallel passage to what we’re studying in Ephesians 4, Colossians and Ephesians being very similar in content. In Colossians Chapter 2 verse 15, when talking about the death of Christ in verses 13 and 14 the victory had accomplished verse 15, when he had disarmed the rulers and authorizes, now seen in those expression referring to angelic beings, he made a public display of them having triumphed over them through him. So that explains Ephesians 4:8 very clearly that he defeats Satan in the # and then he openly displayed them having triumphed over them and in his ascension I take it his defeated host were displayed. Now we couldn’t see that, lets cerate it there, but evidently the heavenly host is good and his victory is very clearly portrayed in this way.

Hebrews Chapter 2, verse 14, since then the children share in flesh and blood he himself likewise also took part took of the same. In other words since children those that they were redeem were flesh and blood you and I humanity Christ became a man, humanity that through death he might render powerless him who had the power of death that is the devil and deliver those who through fear of death were subject to slavery all their lives. In other words he provided salvation for mankind, mankind having been subject to the devil as all of us were until faith in Christ. He accomplished the victory. He rendered powerless him who had the power of death so referring to his conquering of the devil and demonic host.

So you’re back to Ephesians 4, Ephesians 4 and the picture then is of Christ as the victorious conqueror that defeated both the devil and his hosts being led in defeat and Christ distributing the fruits of his victory to its friends and those that he has freed, you and I. We receive the gifts from him because of the victory he accomplished in his death and so the gifts are provided to believers to function within the body are a direct results of the victory that Jesus Christ accomplished in his death and resurrection. And so the picture is very clear in the comparison with the normal physical picture of a victorious general or conqueror John 13 to 16 we develop this as well we talked about the Spirit and when I go I will send the Spirit to you, the ascending of the Spirit and accepted too considering in evening service enabled the gifts to be functioning. It’s a manifestation of the Spirit’s presence so it’s tied to his victory and ascension to the father.

So I take it has nothing to do with Old Testament saints being captive in Hades. There was no such thing. The devil had no power over Abraham because when God declared Abraham righteous Abraham was righteous before God. He did not have to be held captive in Hades for any period of time. I take it right into the presence of God in heaven upon his death. Okay, explanation of this in verses 9 and 10, developing it on the basis of the ascension. And basically what verses 9 and 10 say is the ascension would have no relevance at all to you and I as believers if it were not preceded by the death of Jesus Christ. If Jesus Christ had ascended to the father three days before the crucifixion you and I would still be hopelessly lost in our sins because the penalty for sin is death not ascension.

And so the ascension was all that there was there would be no victory for you and I because the devil is defeated remember in the death of Christ. Hebrews 2:14, that through death he might render powerless him who had the power of death that is the devil. And so in verse 9 we read. Now this expression he ascended what does it mean except that he also had descended into the lower parts of the earth. He has descended as himself also he ascended for above all he heaves that he might fill all things.

In other words what makes this ascension so significant is it’s the same one who ascended who descended. And I take it the dissension here, the descending refers to his death and the balance and with the passages we looked at like Hebrews 2:14 it’s his death that makes the ascension significant. And when it says he descended into the lower parts of the earth again I see nothing relating here to Hades. I think it is just talking about his death and burial, that’s the significant thing. And this one who died is the one who ascended and you remember it’s the resurrection, he was resurrected because our justification was complete according to Romans Chapter 4, so he descended first in the lower parts of the earth.

Look over in Romans Chapter 10 for the same kind of comparison. Romans Chapter 10 page 245, the same kind of contrast is seen in descending and ascending although the development is a little bit different. Verse 6, but the righteousness faith speaks with us do not say in your heart who will ascend into heaven that is to bring Christ down or who will descent into the abyss. Now what does it mean to descend into the abyss, he explains it. That is to bring Christ up from the dead. We’re talking about his ascension we’re talking about his death, the same type of comparison that is involved.

Now look over the Philippians the next book after Ephesians Chapter 2, Philippians Chapter 2, talking about the humiliation of Christ becoming a man suffering death, being exalted to the father, just picking up with verse 8. Philippians 2 verse 8, and being found in appearance as a man he humbled himself by becoming obedient to the point of death even death on a cross. You note the humiliation all the way to the point of death there not anything about the way to the point of going to hell or Hades. All the way to the point of death verse 9, therefore God also highly exalted him and bestowed on him a name which is above every name in order that everyone should prostrate them self before the son.

So again you see his death and his exaltation being brought together and his exaltation is brought out in contrast with his death and his death is what gives the exaltation its meaning because in his death he accomplished the victory for believers. The reason we take the time of this some of you who are familiar because of the teaching that often is heard and has been quite popular that in Hades up until Christ there was two compartments and those who were unbelievers dies and went to a place in Hades of torment and suffering. Those who are believers went to a place in Hades of bliss and blessing until when Christ died on the cross, then he went and freed Abraham and all the rest of the Old Testament saints and took them to heaven with him in triumph. That has a beautiful story but it’s just not scriptural. I don’t believe that there is support for it in scripture and I think that some of what we’ve looked at gives evidence of that.

One other passage I mention in connection of this and some of you may be thinking of it and that’s first Peter Chapter 3. No it wasn’t that you were thinking, what about verse Peter 3. Verses 18 and 19, page 358, first Peter 3 verse 18, for Christ also died for sins once for all, the just for the unjust in order that he might bring us to God having been put the death in the flesh but made alive in the Spirit in which also he went and made proclamation to the Spirits in prison who once were disobedient when the patience of God kept waiting in the days of Noah. Now some have taken this to mean that he went in the Spirit after his death and preached in the prison Hades so that’s not what the passage says. It says it is made alive in the Spirit this is the same Spirit in which he went and preached in the days of Noah to people who did not believe and thus are in prison now.

So Christ when and preached in the days of Noah that’s the particular group involved here. He doesn’t say went to preach to those in Hades which would include all unbelievers. He went and preached particularly in the days of Noah those who didn’t believe then are in prison because of their unbelief, they are waiting final sentencing to hell. If you go back Ephesians 4, I also mention some other passages and you can jot them down if you are interested in pursuing that. Luke 16 talks about the rich man and Abraham’s #. Luke Chapter 23 verse 43 talks about the thief on the cross where Jesus said today you will be with me in paradise and some people say well see it’s not heaven it’s paradise. All you have to do is read second Corinthians Chapter 12 versus 2 to 4 and Paul tells that the third heaven is paradise same word. So when Jesus said today you’ll be with me in paradise he said today you’ll be with me in the third heaven. According to what Paul paradise is in second Corinthians 12 and thus there was no top off point in Hades praise the lord. At the point of his death Jesus said it is finished, the work of redemption was accomplished. It will be finished as soon as I make my trip to Hades for three days that has nothing to do with it. So, maybe a little aside but this is the passage that’s often used to develop that idea.

All right, you go back to Ephesians 4 now and look at the purpose of it all in verse 10. He who descended is himself also he who ascended far above all the heaven in order that he might fill all things. And I take that the idea is the same as we read in Philippians 2:9 therefore God has highly exalted him and given him a name which is above every name in order at the name of Jesus every knee should bow and every tongue should confess that Jesus is lord to the glory of God. That he might fill all things, that he is supreme and sovereign above everything. Now some take it and it’s possible as well that he can be everywhere now. In his earthly body he can only be in one place, in the Spirit he could be other places but he was limited by his earthly body. Now his promise is carried out I never you or forsake you wherever two or three are gathered in my name I am there in the midst of them, so he is all over. I think probably the basic emphasis here is his supreme exaltation, he might build all the things and because not just as I am the presence but his power and sovereignty primarily.

Okay this passage is basic to our dissection on the gifts as been teaching that Christ by his death defeated the devil and rendered him powerless, now you note that. He rendered him powerless according to Hebrews Chapter 2 verse 14. And he led him as a defeated foe as he ascended to his father and he distributed supernatural gifts and enablement to us in order that we might enjoy his victory to the fullest. You and I are specially empowered by the Spirit so that we might most fully enjoy and appreciate the victory that Jesus Christ has accomplished over the devil because it’s the Spirit indwelling us and enabling us that now provides for us to function as God intends for us to function to enjoy the full benefits of the victory.

So each of us are gifted by God to perform a particular function within the body and that is part of enjoying the victory that he has provided, not just initial forgiveness but that’s part of the daily provision for us to be what God intends for us to be. So just a couple of questions to draw this to a close, one, have realized your exalted position. You are significant, I am significant as a believer because God has showered special attention on me not only in saving me but in enabling me in a special way to function as an essential part of his body to bring glory to himself. Now when the sovereign God says that he has put his special attention on me to use me to bring glory to himself, there is no such as me talking about being insignificant any longer.

I can get no more significant than that than the God of glory is using me individually as his child to bring glory to himself. You can have no more exalted position than that to be an instrument through which the God of glory is brining glory to himself and every believer has that position. Secondly, you appreciate the provision that he has made for you to function as he intends and are you exercising your gift and the power of the Spirit. This who analogy belies individuals functioning separately and that ought to be clear there is no such things as a believer who can separate himself from other believers and still grow and function as God intends. That would be just like if you could cut off you arm throw it over there in the corner and that arm would just get along fine by itself, no it wouldn’t. It would be almost functionless, I guess it would be functionless, I don’t know I never tried it. We wouldn’t be a testing it anyway and it would be that little test if you try to function by yourself as a believer. You are saying God your way is not good, I got a better idea, I’ll do it alone, it doesn’t work.

Now one thing, you may be here and not part of the body, you may have not yet entered into the provision that Christ made in his death. He rendered the devil powerless. He has won the victory but it’s possible that you are still in servitude to a defeated person, the devil. You are still in bondage to him when Jesus Christ has provided freedom for you. You are still serving your sins and your father the devil, because you’ve never come to the place of trusting Jesus Christ as your savior. Now the victory has been accomplished in the death of Christ. There is no other way to get victory. There is no other way to be free.

You don’t work for your freedom. You don’t go to church for your freedom. You have to come to Jesus Christ in faith, believe in him and he sets you free. And the moment you believe in him he frees you from the power of the devil, bondage to you sin. The Spirit of God takes up residence in your life and gives you that special enablement to function as an essential and vital part of the body and thus you become a very significant person because you become one through him the God of all glory is brining glory to himself.

Let’s pray together. Father we think you for what you’ve accomplished for us in Jesus Christ. We are fully aware that with our finite minds we don’t begin to grasp the glory of it all, the glory that’s been provided for us and redemption accomplished through his death. God, we’re thankful for his victory, for his triumph, Lord for the privilege for of sharing in that victory and triumph that we’ve been recipients of fruits of soil, Lord, that we’ve been gifted by you in order that we might function as vital parts of the body of Christ in order that we might bring glory to him who alone is worthy of glory. Pray for those who may be here this morning still in bondage and servitude to the old master not realizing he has been defeated, that freedom is available by believing Christ. Pray to even this morning they might see themselves as in need of that forgiveness and that freedom and trust Jesus Christ as their savior, we’ll praise you for it when we ask you in Jesus’ name, Amen.

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September 21, 1975