Water Baptism
Water baptism is a public declaration of faith in Jesus Christ, symbolizing the inward transformation that occurs upon receiving Him as Savior and Lord.

“Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit“
— Matthew 28:19
What is Water Baptism?
In Matthew 28:18-20, we find the command from our Lord Jesus Christ for all believers to be baptized. Baptism is not required for salvation since passages like Ephesians 2:8-9 make it clear that salvation from sin is by God’s grace through faith alone in Jesus Christ. Water baptism is simply the outward testimony of an inward spiritual transformation. Baptism publicly identifies a believer with Jesus Christ and with the body of Christ, the Church.

Procedures for Water Baptism
1. Read the booklet, Preparation for Water Baptism
2. Read the IHCC Statement of Faith
3. Write Out Your Testimony
Write your personal testimony relating to how you became a Christian and email it to your pastor or bring it with you to the baptism interview. Suggested length is 300 words.
4. Schedule an Interview
Schedule a baptism interview with an IHCC elder and deacon using the following form.
Schedule a Baptism Interview
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