
Beware and Be Aware


GR 1093

1 John 2:18-21


GR 1093

1 John 2:18-21
Gil Rugh

1 John in your Bibles. The first epistle of John. I John and we're in the second chapter. We've looked through the first 17 verses. Remember the position that we're taking as we look at the first epistle of John is that John is offering the evidences or proofs of the Christian life. How can you know for sure that you have eternal life? There are demonstrable concrete evidences, manifestations in our lives that we indeed are the children of God. Summarized as we'll see in chapter 3, very simply is, the children of God manifest the character of God. The children of the devil manifest the character of the devil. So it is not so difficult as we sometimes make it. John does not grapple with the issue of carnality as Paul does. He brings everything into firm categories. Here are the characteristics of a believer. Here are the characteristics of an unbeliever. So look at your life. What is evident and what is manifest? In the verses that we looked at last time particularly verses 15 to 17, we had the exhortation not to love the world Contrary to the character of God's children that they should love the world because this war Id and the things of this world doesn't come from God. So we ought not to love the world nor the things in the world. If anyone loves the world the love of the Father is not in him. You cannot be in love with the world and in love with God. They are opposing things. They are two different realms. All that is in the world is transitory, the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes and the boastful pride of life and none of this comes from the Father but is from the world. So if you love God you'll love the things characteristic of God. You'll love the things that are from God and none of these things of the world and this world system come from God. Therefore those who love this world system are evidencing the fact they don't love God and an emphases on verse 17 on the transitoriness of this world. The world is passing away and its lusts but the one who does the will of God abides forever. Again, you see the emphasis on the contrast. The world is passing away in its lusts.

It's the one who does the will of God who abides forever. Well, it has to be a statement regarding a true believer in Jesus Christ, does it not? Are we who believe in Jesus Christ not those who have eternal life? We are. And we have eternal life by faith in Jesus Christ so the one who does the will of God abides forever has to be a statement regarding a believer. So believers are those who do the will of God. Because we are those who abide forever. If that's not the case you have real problems. If one who does the will of God abides forever it's a spiritual Christian versus a carnal Christian, then you have a problem with someone losing their salvation somewhere along the line. Because it's the ones who do the will of God who abide forever. And we know from the other teaching of Scripture that's true of every believer. Those who do the will of God is synonymous with being a believer in Jesus Christ. We have a permanent in contrast to the world and this war Id system. Now it's true that everyone endures forever but as far as the abiding forever in contrast to this world and this world system, the lusts that were mentioned and so on, that's transitory in contrast to the eternal things that we are privileged to focus our lives in.

Now verse 18 picks up and has that same emphases—children, and the warmth here. It is the last hour. Now you have to pick up—it is the last hour in the context of verse 17. The world is passing away and its lusts. Verse 18. Children, it is the last hour. So if I talk about this world passing away, we are coming down to its end. So you talk about the last hour. It's an emphasis that we ought to be concerned about things that really matter. You say, well, boy, John really missed it because he wrote this almost 2,000 years ago but it shows to how the New Testament writers lived. Two things that need to be understood here. One that the New Testament writers consistently lived expecting Jesus Christ very soon. Number two, within the framework of God we live in the last days. So from His plan in moving things along we are at the last hour within that time framework. The days of the Messiah and the Messiah had come. The Messiah had suffered and died, been raised from the dead. Now we anticipate His coming again. So all of that leading up to His first caning—the events of His suffering and death and resurrection, His ascension to the Father. That's all transpired. So in a very real way we have moved along in a very real way to the climax of God's plan. What is the anticipation? It hasn't changed since John's day. What do we anticipate next? The coming of Christ. At the Rapture for us who are believers and then subsequently to set up His kingdom. So it is the last hour.

Now that being impressed on our mind should affect how we live. If this world is transitory, it's passing away along with its lusts, and the one who does the will of God abides forever. Now I realize it's the last hour. Where should my life be focused? Now it helps us with believers with our unhealthy concern about the tomorrows of our life and where is this world going? Now I don't believe that ought to function unwisely. That doesn't mean, Well, I won't put any food in the house for tomorrow. Or I won't worry about whether I go to work tomorrow. Just forget that. He's not talking about carelessness or Indifference but what is the focal point in my life? What really matters? How would your life be different? And then you ask yourself this question? Puts it in perspective. How would you live your life differently if you knew for sure Jesus Christ was coming at 7:00 a.m. Tuesday morning. Are there things I would do differently with my life? A difference on how I focus my attention and what I would accomplish? If there is you better start making the changes now because God says I am to live my life every moment of every day as though He were coming today. So if I am living as God wants me to I should say and should be able to say honestly before God that if I knew for sure, God Himself told me that Christ was coming 7:00 a.m. Tuesday morning, I'd say, Fine, I'll be expecting Him and I would go on with my life because I am expecting Him. The surprise is, Oh, my, I thought He was coming at 7:00 Sunday evening, but it won't be until 7:00 a.m. Tuesday. Okay. Why? Because I am to be living expecting Him so it's the last hour.

All right. Now what he wants to do is instruct us about some of the characteristics of the last hour, sane of the things that are going to happen and another evidence of our salvation. "Children it is the last hour and just as you heard that antichrist is coming, even now many antichrists have arisen; from this we know that it is the last hour." Here is evidence. The presence of antichrist. John is the only one who uses this phrase, "antichrist." Now we use it as a broad term and that's fine but John is the only New Testament writer who uses the expression. Now he says you know that antichrist is coming. Now so there' two different individuals or groups here. One is the antichrist, singular, who is coming. And two, there are many antichrists, plural, now. John says from this we know that it is the last hour. And it's interesting how John and Paul alike, both John and Paul, as well as the other New Testament writers, assume a knowledge of prophetic Scripture on the part of their readers. Now how do we know that because there are antichrists present that it's the last hour? Well, because the Scripture indicates that immediately preceding the Second Corning of Christ to earth, there will be the antichrist ruling in power upon the earth. That that period of time preceding His Second Coming will be characterized by the rising in many places of false christs.

Look back in Matthew chapter 24. Matthew 24. Matthew 24 speaks about the Tribulation period. The Tribulation is that seven-year period between the coming of Christ for the Church at the Rapture approximately, marked by the signing of the covenant between this antichrist and the Jews but that's approximately at the time of the Rapture until His Second Coming to earth to establish His kingdom. Now Matthew 24 takes place in that seven-year period after the Church has been removed from the earth. And as Jesus describes this period in Matthew 24 note what He says down in verse 23. "Then if any one says to you, 'Behold, here is the Christ,' or "There He is,' do not believe him. For false Christs and false prophets will arise and will show great signs and wonders, so as to mislead, if possible, even the elect. Behold, I have told you in advance." So it will be characterized by false christs who are really antichrists. They present themselves to be Christ returned to earth when they are not. They substantiate themselves by doing great signs and wonders, so powerful that if it were possible even the elect of God would be deceived. That tells you something about miracles. And wonders—how careful you have to be.

People today are enthralled by those who claim to be able to do miraculous things. There's a word of warning here about that. That's going to become more characteristic and will flourish in the Tribulation. So there will be many false christs who are antichrists. They present themselves as Christ in opposition to the One who is Christ.

Turn back to the Old Testament, the Book of Daniel. Just to refresh your pure mind in way of remembrance. The Bible indicates that in the course of events when John says that we know that antichrist is coming. In the course of events the Bible indicates that the Rapture of the Church is the next prophetic event. That time when all true believers will be bodily removed from the earth. That is followed by a seven-year period where God completes His program with the nation Israel. It's the 70th week of Daniel. Now within this 70th Week of Daniel there is an individual from within the Western world who becomes exceedingly important. During the first three and one-half years of the Tribulation he is a power among other powers. There will be a ten-nation confederacy in the Western world. Ten nations comprising the united empire, fragile but united. The revised Roman empire. The antichrist is one of those individuals. He begins to assemble his power. He displaces three of those kingdoms or rulers. Becomes the dominant element in that confederacy. In the
midst of the Tribulation perhaps as a result of the war with Russia he assumes worldwide dominance. So for the last three and one-half years of the Tribulation he rules the world as world dictator. Commands that the world bow down and worship him. And he will come to his end, his direct confrontation with Jesus Christ at the Second Coming of Christ to earth to set up His kingdom.

In Daniel chapter 7 the kingdoms of the earth are laid out. Culminates with the Roman Empire. And this 10-nation confederacy, keep in mind, that will be in existence during the 7-year Tribulation yet future, is a revival of the old Roman Empire. And we don't have time to go into the details of that but that's the picture presented here also.

In verse 7 "I kept looking in the night vision. Behold, a fourth beast dreadful and terrifying and extremely strong. It had large iron teeth. It devoured and crushed and trampled down the remainder with its feet. It was different from all the beasts that were before it." That symbolizes the Roman Empire,the most powerful of the empires. And it had ten horns." Now the ten horns portray the final form of the Roman Empire that will be in existence in the seven-year tribulation.

As is true of all Old Testament prophecy, it does not contemplate the period of time in which we live called the Church Age. So it is seen sandwiched together. Just like the first coming of Christ and the Second Coming of Christ in the Old Testament prophecies are put right together. So you read a passage that is talking about the first coming of Christ, His suffering and death. You read a passage that is talking about His Second Coming to rule and reign. Isaiah could write Isaiah 53 with the sufferings and death of Messiah and also write Isaiah 9, Isaiah 11 where He shall rule and reign in righteousness. That's why had such a hard time sorting it out. How can you have a Messiah who dies and a Messiah who reigns?
So here you have this king and the Roman Empire. You have the Roman Empire which existed 2,000 years ago as John wrote. You have a form of it with 10 kingdoms,
10 nations federated together with the 10 horns.

Verse 8. "While I was contemplating the horns, behold, another horn, a little one came up among them. Three of the first horns were pulled out by the roots before it and behold, this horn possessed eyes like the eyes of a man and a mouth uttering great boasts." So you see what happens. The one horn among the ten displaces three horns so he becomes the dominant power in this confederacy. And then he goes on to talk about the Ancient of Days, the kingdom that Christ will set up and then in the description that goes on in the interpretation down beginning in verse 19 and following. In Daniel 7.

Jump down to verse 24. How do you know the ten horns are 10 kings or kingdoms? Well, it's not so difficult. Verse 24. "As for the ten horns, out of this kingdom 10 kings will arise and another will arise after them, will be different from the previous ones and will subdue three kings. He will speak out against the Most High, will wear down the saints of the Most High. He will intend to make alterations in times and in law. They will be given into his hands for a time, times and a halftime. Literally, a time, two times, and a half time. Three and a half-times. We don't have time to develop that either. Both at the end of Daniel and then over in Revelation that's demonstrated to be a period of three and one-half years. So you see he has absolute control for a period of three and a half years and then he meets his end in verses 26 and 27 with the intervention of Christ. That's the little horn. So you hear expressions "the little horn of Daniel 7." That's referring to the antichrist, another name for him. I use the word "antichrist" as a synonym for the political ruler who will also be the figure who is worshiped during the Tribulation.

Look over in Daniel 11. He is seen again. Verse 36. Here he is called the willful king, the king who will do his will. Verse 36 of Daniel 11. "Then the king will do as he pleases and he will exalt and magnify himself above every god and will speak monstrous things against the God of Gods and he will prosper until the indignation is finished for that which is decreed will be done." Then a description culminating in his destruction. Very fascinating portion. Down to chapter 12 with the conflicts that will take place during the Tribulation period. The willful king of Daniel 11:36. That's the antichrist. This man who arises to power. He comes at the end. You see in each of these passages he meets his end by the Second Coming of Christ to earth. That's why John says you know that antichrist is coming. There are many antichrists present. By this we know it's the last hour because all the antichrists, plural, that are present, are an anticipation of that one figure who will be the most antichrist of any and it will culminate in him. So John says it is an evidence of the times in which we live.

Come over to the New Testament and come to II Thessalonians. This man is also the same as the first beast in Revelation 13. We won't take time for that. Thessalonians chapter 2. The Thessalonians, you remember, were upset because they thought the day of the Lord had come. They thought they were in the Tribulation. Things were so bad they thought they were in the Tribulation. Something's wrong. Maybe we missed the Rapture that had been written about in the first letter, chapter 4. Paul writes and says, nope, can't be. Don't be quickly shaken from your composure; be disturbed either by a spirit or a message or a letter as from us, to the effect that the Day of the Lord has come. Day of the Lord being an expression here focusing in on the Tribulation in effect and then subsequent events.

Let no one in any way deceive you for it will not come unless the apostasy comes first and the man of lawlessness is revealed, -the son of destruction. So the man of lawlessness, the son of destruction, the son of perdition. Another title for the antichrist who opposes and exalts himself above every so-called god or object of worship so that he takes his seat in the temple of God displaying himself as being God. So you see what this man does. Along about the middle of the Tribulation he will set himself up in the Temple in Israel, Jerusalem, and declare himself to be God and all the world will be obligated to worship him. That's what Jesus is talking about in Matthew 24 when He says "When you see the abomination of desolation spoken of by Daniel the prophet, then don't take time to go down and pack your clothes. You better run and hide in the hills because that's when the persecution as he attempts to annihilate the Jews, breaks out in full fury. Interesting, Paul says, in verse 5. "Do you not remember that while I was with you I was telling you these things?" Paul only spent a few weeks at Thessalonica but he had instructed them during that time about prophetic things, about the antichrist, and so on. I'm just refreshing your mind. So this is the individual we are talking about.

Come over in I John again. "So you have heard that antichrist is coming." The prophetic scriptures pointed out. Paul has written about it. John is writing late in his life so they would have been exposed to New Testament teaching as well as the Old Testament prophetic teaching. Now many antichrists have arisen. From this we know that it is the last hour." And the antichrists are those who stand against Christ and we're going to see them identified as we get down further and into verse 22 and so on. Those who deny the Deity of Jesus Christ, deny the reality of Christ as the Messiah, or antichrist, which will become very significant.

So don't think that when John says there are many antichrists that they were special, unique—they had people in the Roman Empire. We've got many antichrists present today from his description. More so today probably than then because we have those who claim a relationship with God but who deny the Person and work of Jesus Christ and they are antichrists and multitudes of them occupy the Protestant and Catholic pulpits of this city and other cities. Many antichrists are present so we know that it is the last hour.

Now John gives a test. They went out from us. Interesting. Some of these that he identifies as antichrists had been a professing part of this fellowship of believers that John is writing to. They had identified themselves with believers. They went out from us so they had been identified with John and the other believers and they departed. They went out from us but they were not really of us. Important here. Now John renders a judgment. Here are those who profess to be part of the fellowship of believers but who have left. John says they didn't really belong to us. He renders a judgment. How can he do that? The reason? "For if they had been of us, they would have remained with us, but they went out in order that it might be shown that they are all not of us."

So John has given some other tests. How do you know a believer? We saw back in chapter 2:3 "By this we know that we have come to know Him if we keep His commandments." Verse 10. "The one who loves his brother abides in the light." So keeping his commandments, loving the brother, here is another test.
The test of what we might call perseverance. Those who persevere with believers. John says the evidence that they weren't really part of us is they left us. You say, well that's subjective. But it's objective. It's something you can observe and see. Here are those who profess to be part of this body. It has happened on more than one occasion with those who attended Indian Hills, who professed to be part of this group, but they left and have denied what they formerly claimed they believed. That's simply an evidence they were never really part of it and it has been indicated to me on occasion by these individuals that well, I was going along with it and I felt the pressure to conform to it.

I was talking with someone this past week. Was sharing that a member of their family was saying this very thing. I felt the pressure at Indian Hills. They are no longer here. To go along with it, to conform to it. This individual attended Sunday morning and Sunday evening and some of the Bible studies. But, I just went along because of the pressure. I just felt there was going to be more peace in my family and I'd be more accepted if I did. Well, by that statement—he was not one of us. He is going out from us, but wasn't really part of us. If he had, he would have remained. So his true character has been revealed. So it's another indicator of a believer or not a believer. This is a test given in other places as well. So it's not unique to John.

Turn back to Mark chapter 4. Mark chapter 4. And here you have the parable of the sower and the soils, the conditions of the heart as they receive the Word of God and in verse 5 of Mark 4 Jesus giving the parable.
Verse 3 He says “Listen to this! Behold, the sower came and went out to sow. It came about that as he was sowing, sane seed fell beside the road, and the birds came and ate it up. Note verse 5. He's the one we want. And other seed fell on the rocky ground where it did not have much soil; and immediately it sprang up because it had no depth of soil. And after the sun had risen, it was scorched; and because it had no root, it withered away." So it immediately sprouts up but there's no root and that's a key. And there is no fruit produced. And all you need is a little bit of persecution.

Jump down in Matthew to verse 16 as Jesus gives the interpretation. "And in a similar way these are the ones on whom seed was sown on the rocky places, who, when they hear the word, immediately receive it with joy; and they have no firm root din themselves, but are only temporary; then, when affliction or persecution arises because of the word, immediately they fall away." That contrasts with verse 20 where the good soil. "And those are the ones on whom seed was sown on the good ground; and they hear the word and accept it, and bear fruit," Now they don't all bear fruit the same way, the same degree, to the same extent. "Some thirty, some sixty, and a hundredfold." But those who hear and receive the word bear fruit. They're good ground hearers. They don't all bear the same amount of fruit but those who hear and receive the Word bear fruit. So I take it that what John is talking about in I John 2 is the same thing Jesus is talking about in these shallow ground hearer. Oh, yes, that's what I needed. They respond. Say, oh, boy. They are part of us. They are believers. With the passing of time it becomes evident that they are not. They go off and often become adamant in their opposition to the truth of the Word of God. Now this fits, what we talked about. Most of you are in Philippians on Sunday morning. Philippians chapter 1:6 that He who has begun a good work in you will bring it to perfection in Christ Jesus, in the day of Christ. That's the same thing. God begins……
finishes what He begins. So that's what we're talking about. Now that has a result in how I live. Now some question comes in, well, I won't know for sure that I'm a believer then until I die because you don't know. Maybe next week I'll get up and say, you know what? I don't believe any of this anymore. I'm throwing it all overboard. I'm just preaching because you pay me so well and I get lots of attention. You say, that would mean then he really wasn't of us. That would be so. But for myself I know what I believe and so it just is the working out of it that is true. But if I am in disguise that will manifest itself. So that becomes an evidence to you as much as to me in this particular test. Where do I stand concerning the person and work of Jesus Christ? And a person who stands and denies the Deity of Christ, denies that Christ is the Savior, denies that he needs to believe in Christ for his salvation is lost. And even though he may have been functioning externally as part of a body of Christians we may have been fooled by it. When you get right down to it, he wasn't really part of us. Otherwise he would have continued. So I know I know I'll continue.
You know how I know I am going to continue to believe these things? Because I am a child of God. Now you won't know for sure until you see it lived out over a period of time. That's why often speak, and someone share the gospel with them and someone will say, well, did he trust Christ. I say, well, from the indications he did. Time will tell. We'll see if it's genuine with the passing of time.

So that's what John—back in I John 2. "They went out from us that they were not really of us. So that helps to explain what has happened to some. But, now note the contrast here. But you have an anointing from the Holy One. Now this is in contrast to verse 19 and those who have gone out. Those who went out didn't have an anointing from the Holy One. We're going to look at it in a moment. This refers to having the Holy Spirit. You know if they didn't have the Holy Spirit they weren't believers. Because if any man does not have the Spirit of Christ he does not belong to Him, Romans chapter 8 tells us. So I do not see how you can make any other line drawn except that verse 19 is talking about those who are not believers and never were because the contrast is then is drawn. But you, in contrast to those who have gone out, have an anointing from the Holy One which they didn't have. We have the Holy Spirit and an anointing. Used in the Old Testament of the coming of the Spirit and the life used for Christ as the anointed One of the spirit without measure. You have an anointing from the Holy One and you all know.

Look back in II Corinthians chapter 1. Just pick up this one passage on anointing for time. Verse 21. "Now He who establishes us." Now He who establishes us with you in Christ and anointed us is God who also sealed us and gave us the Spirit in our hearts as a pledge. So at the moment of our faith in Christ. When we came to believe in Christ, in that instant of time, we were anointed by the Spirit, sealed by the Spirit, and indwelt by the Spirit. That's what he says here. He anointed us, He sealed us, He gave us the Spirit in our hearts as a pledge, as a down payment. This anointing. That would parallel the Old Testament priesthood whereas the Old Testament priest was entering into his priestly office he was anointed. That only happened once in his life. Anointed at the entering of his priestly office. So we, when we trust in Jesus Christ, become believer priests. Talk about this in our study in Philippians down the road. We become believer priests. So we are anointed as we enter into that priesthood. Jesus began His ministry as Messiah at the baptism of John. The Spirit of God came upon Him. He was anointed in fulfillment. The prophecy of Isaiah, by the Spirit. So we as the children of God when we believe are anointed by the Spirit. We are also sealed by the Spirit. That guarantees our security. Now we are sealed by God with His Spirit and the Spirit is in our hearts as a pledge. Word that means a down payment. God's guarantee that He is going to complete His work which ties to what we are talking about in I John 2:19. Spirit is God's guarantee that He'll bring His work to completion. So those who go off, went out from us, go out from us, they demonstrate they are not really part of us because God has given His Spirit as a guarantee that He is going to complete His work in those who really belong to Him. So that's the anointing, that contrast back in John is crucial. But you have an anointing, contrasted with those who went out from us Who don't have that anointing. Or, another way to say that—who do not have the Spirit of God.

So you can conform externally though you don't have the Spirit of God you're not genuine. He dwells within those who really belong to God. And you all know some translations have this—you know all things and there's an element that's true also in the context. But I think preferable here—you all know. All believers have knowledge as a result of the presence of the Spirit in their lives.
He is writing to those who know the truth.

So he says in verse 21 in following up. "You all know I have not written to you because you do not know the truth, but because you do know it. Because no lie is of the truth." That's very simple, isn't it? You know the truth and no lie is of the truth. So you can discern between a truth and a lie. That's true for believers. Now that's a basic point, but it makes all the difference in the world to have both brilliant intellect in the world apart from the Spirit of God does not have the ability to know the things of God. So that's why he makes the point. You have an anointing from the Holy One so you all know. So you have the ability to discern between the truth and between the lie. I have written to you not because you don't know the truth but because you do know it. That doesn't mean I know everything that God has revealed. But basically I know the truth. I know the truth concerning Jesus Christ, concerning His finished work. I can't be a believer if I don't. I understand something of His work, my sinfulness, those truths. We're growing in that knowledge because of the Spirit's ministry.

We have to look at I Corinthians chapter 2 as we close. I Corinthians chapter 1 Paul contrasts the wisdom of the world with the wisdom of God and in verse 8. Verse 7, he says "but we speak God's wisdom in a mystery, the hidden wisdom which God predestined before the ages to our glory. The wisdom which none of the rulers of this age has understood for if they had understood it they would not have crucified the Lord of glory. But, just as it is written, eye has not seen nor ear heard and neither have entered into the heart of a man all that God has prepared for those who love Him. For to us God revealed them through the Spirit." So verse 9 is saying eye has not seen, ear has not heard. Saying that by the natural processes man cannot come to know the truths of God. Not saying you got to wait until you get to heaven to know these things. He is saying you don't know them by the natural processes. By worldly wisdom. For, verse 10, to us God revealed them so we do know what God has prepared for those who love Him. We have that laid out for us. We don't know all the details of everything but we do know something of the glories of the presence of God that He has premised for us. You don't find out about that through human wisdom. Men apart from the Word of God and the ministry of the Spirit in the Word of God, sit and ponder and come up with all kinds of crazy ideas. Has nothing to do with reality. And the more brilliant their intellect, the more crazy their foolishness. Why? Because it is a revealed truth. You note. "For to us God revealed them through the Spirit. For the Spirit searches all things, even the depths of God. For who among men knows the thoughts of a man except the spirit of the man which is ii him? Even so the thoughts of God no one knows except the Spirit of God."
Now we have received not the spirit of the world but the spirit who is from God that we might know the things freely given to us by God." Verse 14. "But a natural man does not accept the things of the Spirit of God for they are foolishness to him. They are moronic, stupid and he cannot understand them because they are spiritually appraised. See the contrast. Same thing John is drawing out. A little different way, but saying the same thing. Paul says that only those who have the Spirit of God can understand the truth of God.

What is John saying? You have an anointing from the Holy One, from God, so you all know. You know the truth. That's just what Paul says. That's in contrast to those who went out from us because they weren't part of us and the reason they could go out was apart from the Spirit they never did grasp what was going on. They didn't ever understand the truth of God. Tremendous burden even for some people at Indian Hills who attend regularly. My concern is, are they truly believers? Do they have the Spirit of God? Concern caused by the fact that everything seems to go right on by them. They are here but the truth of God does not take hold of their life. Doesn't matter almost of indifference to them. It's an activity or a ritual they go through. Being here doesn't make them part of us. They have to be born into the family. And only if they have been anointed by the Spirit of God will they have the ability to understand the truths of God.

So what is John saying? Here is an evidence for us to consider as believers. An explanation of what happens. There are multitudes of antichrists and many of these antichrists masquerade as angels of light and present themselves as such, when they go out from us they demonstrate their true character but they really don't understand the Person and work of Christ. Otherwise they would not be able to come to a place of denying and rejecting it.

"But you." John is convinced that his readers are believers. "But you" in contrast to them, do have that anointing. So we have the ability to know and discern, to sift out the truth from a lie. That says something that ought to be exciting to you but puts a great responsibility upon you as a believer. We are expected to be discerning as believers and we have the ability to be discerning through the Word of God because it is as we study the Word, as we sift these things through the Scriptures, the Spirit of God gives us ability to understand them. He reveals God as revealed in the Word so you have to have the two things. You have to have the Word of God. You have to have the presence of the Spirit. And the person who has the Word of God apart from the ministry of the Spirit can't understand it. The person who has the Spirit but ignores the Word of God, does not provide the opportunity for the Spirit to reveal the truth of God to him. So we must be those who have come to believe in Christ. Now we have the Spirit of God. Now we must be studying the Word, open to the Spirit's teaching to enable us to understand and grasp these truths.

Let's pray together

Posted on

January 9, 1983