Cultivating Faithfulness
Selected Verses
Cultivating FaithfulnessTeresa Krieger September 13,2016
I. Psalm 37 selected verses
A. Delight
B. Commit
C. Trust Psalm 9:10
II. Obedience Psalm 119:17
A. Vindication Psalm 119:51,78, 86 Hebrews 12:2,3
B. Rest Psalm 46:10 Psalm 131
C. Resist anger, wrath and fretting
III. Cultivating Faithfulness in real life
A. What is does and doesn't look like
B. What will you do?
Resources: God's Word, Jerry Bridges, The Fruitful Life, Theodore Epp, Job, A man tried as Gold, Spurgeon, Treasury of the Psalms,