
Diligence In Wisdom



Selected Verses


The Wise Woman is Diligent

Deb Terry / February 9, 2016
Definition: skillfully living for the Lord
- Includes knowledge, understanding, instruction, discretion, obedience
- God-centered, not self-centered
Definition: giving persevering attention to something;
to be seriously devoted to something; to be steady, earnest, and energetic
-includes having a sense of urgency
- Solomon’s perspective:
Acquire wisdom! Prov 4:1-2, 4-7
Watch over your heart Prov 4:23
Definition: loyalty, trustworthy, steadfast in word and deed
- Ps 89:1, Deut 32:4, Philip 2:7-8
Definition: submission to the authority of another

Faithfulness, obedience, diligence together,: Do it!

Proverbs 31 woman
- Portrait of feminine wisdom
- Godly character, trustworthy wife, household manager, dedicated homemaker, purposeful planner
- Prov 31:10-15, 20
21st Century women
- Responsible for home, family
- Different lives; varying responsibilities
Definition: ability to regulate one’s conduct by principle and sound judgment, rather than by impulse, desire, or custom
- To improve self-discipline:
Start with small things, get organized, don’t constantly seek to be entertained, be on time (Eph 5:15-16), keep your word, do difficult tasks first, finish what you start, practice self-denial, welcome responsibility, learn to say “no”
- Glorify God in your life 1 Cor 10:31
Practices of believers
- Preserve the unity among believers Eph 4:1-3
- Be devoted to brotherly love Rom12:10
- Serve and obey with diligence Rom 12:11
Conclusion: Do all to the glory of God 1 Cor 10:31

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February 9, 2016