
Holy, Holy, Holy



Selected Verses


Worship the Lord in the Beauty of Holiness 1/31 Teresa Krieger
"Because it is written, You shall be holy for I am holy"
I. Who is Holy?
A. God- I Samuel 2:2,3, Isaiah 5:16, Psalm 77:13
B. Jesus Christ Luke 1:35, John 6:66-69, Hebrews 7:26
C. People Deut 7:6, I I Peter 1:15, 16, Ephesians 5:27
II. What is holiness?
A. Definition-
B. What does it mean for me? I Peter 3
C. What keeps us from holiness? Col. 1:22
III. When are we to be holy?
A. It begins at salvation
B. At all times, Consider habits, routines, circumstance Romans 8:18
C. Eternity
IV. Where does holiness live?
A. Heart/mind Psalm 119:10, Col 3:12
B. Mouth James 3:2-9
C. Body I Corinthians 3:17
V. Why does holiness matter? Romans 12 :1
VI. How do I go about being holy?

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January 31, 2017