
How Christ Teaches Contentment – Part 2



Selected Verses


How Christ Teaches Contentment – Part 2 :)
April 25, 2017
Nancy Butterfield

What does Contentment mean?

To be sufficient, to be enough of a thing, to be satisfied, to have enough and to spare.
It is the sweet, inward, quiet, gracious frame of spirit, which freely submits to and delights in God’s wisdom.

Lessons in the “Schoolroom of Contentment”

* Self-denial --- John 3:30

* Humility --- Mark 9:35

* What DO you deserve in this life?

~~~ The degree that I believe that the world should revolve around me…THAT is the degree that I will struggle with being content.”

* Apart from Christ, we can do nothing --- John 15:5

* God’s will or mine? John 5:30

* We are spiritual beings --- Ecclesiastes 5:10, Isaiah 55:2, 2 Corinthians 3:5, and Luke 12:15

* Learn what is of value to God --- Matthew 6:19-21

~~~ When the soul is taken up with the things that are of absolute necessity, it will not be troubled about other things.

* Am I discontent about the right things?

* I am a soldier --- 2 Timothy 2:3-4, 1 Peter 2:11

~~~ A soldier has one goal – His mission – He looks at ALL circumstances in light of the “mission.”

* Do I have an eternal perspective? --- Philippians 4:11,12

* Pain is a good teacher --- 1 Peter 1:6-7, 1 Timothy 6:6

~~~ Even poverty itself is riches to holy men. A godly man can get more riches out of his poverty than he will ever get by being rich.

* God is in Control --- 1 Chronicles 29:11, Job 42:1,2

* Set your mind on things above --- Proverbs 23:7


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April 25, 2017