
Necessities for a Biblical Church


GR 1126

1 Thessalonians 5:12-13


GR 1126
Necessities for a Biblical Church
1 Thessalonians 5:12-13
Gil Rugh

I Thessalonians chapter 5 in your bibles. I Thessalonians chapter 5. One of the key factors in a church being where God wants it to be is the matter of leadership. I think sometimes we fail to stop and consider carefully, what is involved in a church being great. What makes a church really a great church? I think if we studied the New Testament on that subject, we’d find that is has nothing to do with numbers. You can be a very large church and not be a great church. You can be a very small and not be a very great church. Because being a great church, if I can use that expression, doesn’t have anything to do with size. We can call a church truly really great, when it is what God wants it to be. When it’s producing people who are characterized by godliness, which is God’s purpose in working in and through the church. One of the major factors in a church being what God wants it to be, so enabling it to accomplish to God’s purposes, is the matter of leadership. I really believe one of the prime reasons that many frustrated in their ministries and are failures in the ministry that God has called them to, is because they are not functioning biblically in this key area of leadership.

So there's three things you need to ask. We’re only going to look at one of these things and we're going to look at it over several studies. But you need to have sound biblical teaching, if you’re to have a biblical New Testament church. Secondly you must have solidly, Godly leadership. And thirdly you must have a functioning serving people and when those three factors are working together, then you will have a church where things are happening. Where people are maturing and where God is being honored.

The matter of leadership is an area I think that is often overlooked. And sometimes we feel that it’s a matter of getting too carnal or too worldly to put too much emphasis on leadership. But it is God's intention that His church be led by Godly leaders. Just look at a couple of passages, several passages beginning in Acts chapter 14. And I just want to touch on these. We'll be looking more in detail at some of these passages in future studies. But in Acts 14:23 you see a pattern than Paul had as he traveled from place to place. He'd go into an area. He led people to Christ and then he draw them together as the nucleus in starting a local church and then he would appoint leadership for that church. So then in Acts 14:23, and when they had appointed elders for them in every church, having prayed with fasting, they commended them to the Lord in whom they had believed.'' You note this pattern in every church to appoint elders for leadership.

Over in Acts chapter 20. Acts chapter 20, verse 17, ''And from Miletus he sent to Ephesus and called to him the elders of the church.’' And look over at verse 28, what these elders are charged to do. ''Be on guard for yourselves and for all the flock, among which the Holy Spirit has made you overseers, to shepherd the church of God which He purchased with His own blood.''

Over in I Timothy chapter 3, just after the book of II Thessalonians, I Timothy 3, and Paul through the first seven verses of I Timothy 3, gives you the qualifications that are necessary if a man is to serve as an elder or a leader, spiritual leader in the local church. Then down in verses 14 and 15 he tells us why he has talked about spiritual leaders: elders and then deacons. Verse 14, ''I am writing these thing to you, hoping to come to you before long; but in case I am delayed, I write so that you may know how one ought to conduct himself in the household of God, which is the church of the living God; the pillar and support of the truth.’1 You see how important it is, right after talking about leadership for the body, he says I want you to know this so that you’ll know how you ought to conduct yourself in the church. The church is the household of God. It’s to be the pillar and the support of the truth. That only comes about as it functions biblically.

Over in Titus chapter 1, after II Timothy. Titus chapter 1, verse 5. Paul tells Titus, ''For this reason I left you in Crete that you might set in order what remains and appoint elders in every city as I directed you.’’ And I take that the elders in every city would have to do with the church that would exist in every city would have elders over it, in light of Acts 14:23, where he appointed elders in all the churches. So here in every city elders are appointed in all the churches. One other passage: Hebrews chapter 13:17, ''Obey your leaders, and submit to them; for they keep watch over your souls, as those who will give an account. Let them do this with joy and not with grief, for this would be unprofitable for you.' So you see what is happened, God has entrusted the oversight of His flock to certain leaders. They will give an account to God for the condition of the flock and it would not be good for the leaders or for the flock to have to render unpleasant accounting.

Now I want to look at the identity of leaders in the local in a future study, but I want to focus attention on the responsibility of the body, the leaders. And I find together in this study. I want to say at this point, that it easy to do this study in this local body, because I really believe that one great strengths of this local church has been and continues to be the way that the body has supported and followed the leaders. You cannot be a leader without followers.

I had one person who was a sheep farmer, in my former pastorate tell me how hard it was to drive sheep. I think that’s one of the frustrations that many men in the pastorate have today. They’re in a position of trying to drive the sheep and it just breeds frustration for everyone. Godly leaders supported and followed by God’s people is the program that Christ has established for the functioning of the local church. The result of that program being carried out in this local body has been the blessing of God. I think we ought to be settled about what the Scripture says about it and encouraging others to follow the same pattern. And I want to say as I talk with pastors in other places, I always start out with the emphasis on the need for sound bible teaching as the foundation for the work. But I find many places where men are doing their best to exposit and teach the scriptures and are frustrated by conflict among the leaders and in the attempts to provide leadership for the people.

In I Thessalonians chapter 5, Paul is going to address the matter of leadership and the responsibility of the body in following its leaders. Paul’s going to deal with two main factors that the Thessalonians need to keep in mind. Two areas of responsibilities for them regarding their leaders. First they are to know them, and second, they are to esteem them. So it’s very simple. Paul’s requirements for the Thessalonians will be: know your leaders and esteem them.

He begins in verse 12 of I Thessalonians 5, and he’s picking up a section here. He resuming a line of thought that he had followed down through verse 12 of chapter 4, where he was giving them exhortation regarding their conduct in their lives as believers. Then in chapter 4:13 he switched to talk about the matter of what happens to the dead in Christ. He moves into the whole prophetic realm that carried him down to verse 11 of chapter 5. Now he returns to the exhortation he was giving. Because no everything was well at the church at Thessalonica.
He eluded to this back in chapter 3 in verse 10 where he said, ''as we, night and day keep praying most earnestly that we may see your face, and may complete what is lacking in your faith?’’ The Thessalonians were a growing maturing body, but there were areas were they needed further development and further maturity. And one of those areas was in their respect and honoring of their leaders.

In verse 12, he says, ''But we request of you, brethren, and he approaches this subject with warmth. I have a request to make of you. Now he’s making this request under the inspiration of the scripture and it’s really the direction of God for that church. But he does it in a warm way. So they had something to ask of you, brethren! That title he’s used for them repeatedly in this letter, expression his identification and love with and for them. The problem is, there is tension and conflict between the leaders and the body at Thessalonica. And evidently the members of the body weren't willing to follow the leaders. So Paul has to instruct them. ''We request you, brethren that you appreciate those who diligently labor among you, and have charge over you in the Lord and give you instruction.’’ That you appreciate, a verb that means 'to know.’ That you know those who diligently labor. They’re to recognize their leaders. Know who they are and appreciate them for the ministry that God has given them. There is to be the acknowledging of the men that God has placed over the congregation and appreciation of their ministries.

Now the church at Thessalonica had failed to understand what God says about leaders and what God says about the responsibility of the body to follow leaders. Now the flesh, sinful as it is, always wants to distort what God says. So we have the distortion on one side, where we have leaders who want to become dictators of the body and rule as absolute monarchs and that’s our functioning unbiblically. And then we have the other side, where we have those who believe that every believer is a priest before God and enjoys his own personal relationship with God and is free before God to do what he wants and is not obligated to follow the leadership of men. And both positions are unbiblical and anti-biblical are used to undermine the effectiveness of the church of Jesus Christ. So they are to recognize their leaders. Know who they are and appreciate them for their ministry.

Now Paul is going to talk about the leaders. Some of the characteristics of these leaders, not qualifications. But he's going to say what they are doing and how they are ministering.
He uses three participles: they labor, they have charge over you and they give you instruction. I think we would say, if we were going to put them into English participles that they are laboring among you they are leading you, and they are giving you instructions, or they are admonishing you. Now were going to be talking about one group of people, the leaders, who have three responsibi1ity--three areas in which they function. It is indicated because grammatically, there’s one articles--the article 'these' with three participles. That indicates that all three of these participles are describing the activity of the same person or persons.

You appreciate those, 1) who diligently labor among you. This is a general description of them. Those who are diligently laboring among you. And this is a word that we’ve seen previously in Thessalonians, the letter to the Thessalonians. It's a word that means 'to work hard, to toil, to strive, to struggle. It’s a word that stresses the cost of your work, the exertion, the fatigue, the exhaustion, that is involved in this labor. So the stress in on how much work and the cost o£ that work. The toil that it has exhausted upon the person and it’s a reminder here that the leaders are to be involved in a ministry that demands of them. The leaders are not to be those who are sitting back and semi-retired. But the leaders are those who are leading the way. And they are exhorting and giving of themselves and toiling in their ministry. And it's good for leaders to be exhausted because that’s the word that is used here. It emphasizes the exhaustion that this labor entails. And we’ve got a lot of emphasis on burn-out today, and burn-up and so on. And I think there is a balance. That doesn't mean that someone should go out and drive 19 1/2 hours a days to prove that they are laboring for the Lord. Obviously, nothing is accomplished in that. But a person who suffers complete breakdown in an inability to function. But nonetheless, I need to be careful as a leader I am called to hard work that will take its toil. That will bring exhaustion and weariness. And that's how Paul describes these leaders. The leaders are those who are to be giving of themselves.

Look back in chapter 1 of the letter to the Thessalonians. Now the leaders aren't the only ones who are to be laborers. But the leaders are to be laborers. In chapter 1 of the letter verse 3, Paul says he's ''constantly bearing in mind your work of faith and labor of love,’’ and he uses the same word there, 'your labor of love’. He uses the noun in chapter 1 verse 3 we have the verbal in chapter 5, but it's the same word. So the Thessalonians as a church had been laboring and the leaders at Thessalonica were laboring. They were a church joined together in the giving of themselves in the work of the Lord. It was Paul's pattern of ministry. In chapter 2:9, Paul says, ''For you recall brethren, our labor and hardship, how working night and day so as not (night and day).'' So it's not to be a burden to any of you, we proclaimed to you the gospel of God.'' Good reminder that we have been called to conflict. We have been called to work, it's a demanding exacting work. That's encouraging.

Over in chapter 3:5, ''For this reason, when I could endure it no longer, I also sent to find out about your faith, for fear that the tempter might have tempted you and our labor should be in vain.'' Paul was a leader in the body and he led the way of giving of himself. He said night and day I tolled, and it was a toil that took its toil on Paul. It physically drained him. So a reminder here of the quality of work we're to expect from our leaders. They are those who are laboring among you.

Back in chapter 5. We ought to say one more thing about this labor. It is to characterize us all as believers. Keep your finger there. We'll just take a little side excursion over to Revelation. You know sometimes we get weary in the work of the Lord. We think, 'I've worked so hard so long, I think I'll sit back and let someone else do it.' Revelation 14:13 gives us insight when our labors are done. Revelation 14:13, ''And I heard a voice from heaven, saying, 'Write, Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord from now on! Yes, says the spirit, that they may rest from their labors,'' same word. Do you know how you will know when it's time for you to quit putting out all that effort and all that energy in serving the Lord? You don’t have to ask me. You don’t have to ask another believer. You know how you will know? You’ll be enjoying the presence of the Lord in heaven. So that encourages me. I don’t have to sit back and say, 'well maybe I ought to ease off.' That doesn't mean that there are times when I need to take a break, or I need to ease up a bit. But I need to be careful. We are called to hard work as believers. It ought not to surprise us that we drag ourselves in and collapse on the bed and say, 'well, this has been and exhausting day in my service for the Lord. I am really worn out.’ That’s the way Paul ministered. That’s the way the leaders of the body were expected to minister. That’s the way the body was expected to function and praise the Lord we have a hope from the rest of our Labors. And that will happen when we’re called into the presence of the Lord.

Come back to I Thessalonians 5. Now the next two participles focus in on the area that the leaders labor in a special way. So where are believers are laboring, we don’t always labor in the same way, in the same areas. Are leaders are given the responsibilities to be toiling in certain areas. So Paul further develops this. Those who diligently labor among you. The first area of their labor: they are those who have charge over you. Literally a word that means 'standing before" So when someone is standing before he’s at the head or directing something. So these who are standing before you or standing over you, and that the area of their responsibility of
labors. They are those who are to be ruling or leading the body.

Look over to I Timothy chapter 3, just after II Thessalonians. I Timothy chapter 3. Paul uses this word several times. Verse 4, he’s talking here about the qualifications of a leader or an elder. ''He must be one who manages his own household well, that word manages, rules his own household well, as the King James has it. Same word. Verse 5, (''But if a man does not know how to manage his own household, how will be take care of the church of God?)’’ So a leader and the qualifications is one who is ruling his own household well, so that'll he'll know how to rule the household of God.

Over down in verse 12, same chapter, ''Let the deacons be husband of only one wife, and good managers of their children and their own households.” The deacon who has charge of his home and rules it and manages it, governs it well. Chapter 5:17 of I Timothy, ''Let the elders who rule well be consider worthy of double honor,” Again the responsibility there among the elders to be ruling well.

Come back to I Thessalonians 5. So the elders are laboring, giving of themselves in providing leadership for the body, who have charge over you in the Lord. Important qualifying phrase here. They are ruling or leading or have charge over you in the Lord. Two things about this expression: It show the realm of their leadership is in spiritual things. I am called to lead you in the Lord. I think many pastors because there is something o£ God of having the responsibility of leadership is that you exert that sometimes, you forget that God has not called me to be the ruler of your life. God has not called me to be political ruler, a social ruler. He's called me to rule in the realm of the Lord in spiritual things. And it is important to keep that in mind, where this leadership is delegated. It's in the realm of spiritual things. I have serious problems with pastors who are off on another crusades and taking advantage of the leadership position that God has given them to be the political leaders of their congregation. Spiritual leadership. Secondly, it shows clearly that this authority, this leadership, is not based upon human appointment, but it is based upon our relationship to the Lord. I'm over you in the Lord by virtue of our being in the Lord. And my being appointed as elder or pastor or the other elders or pastors of this flock, it's in light of our relationship to the Lord that leadership is exercised. So points out the importance of functioning biblically in the context of leadership. Rebellion against God's leaders is rebellion against God. You cannot be a spiritual man or a spiritual woman and rebellion against God's leadership. Can a woman in the home be rebelling against her husband's leadership and be a godly woman. No!

For the Christian, to be a godly person rebelling against the governmental authorities that God has placed over him, No! Can a believer be a godly person rebelling against the authority God has established in the church? No! It's a rebellion against Him in all of these lines and channels of authority. Now right away we want to think, 'well what about where they tell you to do something unbiblical?' When they're in direct conflict with what the word of God demands and requires are obedience is to the word, obviously. I don't have the freedom to lead you in spiritual things contrary to the word of God. So I need to be careful that that is the issue. Most conflicts between local churches and their leaders are not over theological issues, but over personality matters.

Another step, not only are the leaders to be laboring in the realm of oversight and giving direction to the congregation, but they are also to be giving you instructions. Those who give you instructions, this is the word that is a compound word, made up of two words. The word your mind, the mind and the word 'to put'. So put into the mind is what it means. Let me read you what A. C. Robertson says about the word. A. C. Robertson great Greek scholar and two comments on this word. It means, 'putting sense into the head of people.’ A thankless but necessary try. The leaders are responsible to be educating the people. To be admonishing the people. Now it means literally, 'to put in the minds' but it usually has a connotation in the context, of correcting something, of blame being placed. It seems to be in the context of calling attention to shortcomings or failures or faults. It's a word that is broad enough to include general instructions that the leaders are to provide, but if often carries the idea of warning or correction faulty behavior.

Down in verse 14 of I Thessalonians 5, this word is used, ''And we urge you, brethren, admonish the unruly,’' that's the same word translated, 'give you instructions.’ Admonish down in verse 14. There you see the instruction, the correction is given in the context of improper behavior. Look at several uses of this word in the New Testament. Important that you understand what leaders are to be doing? Chapter 15 of Romans verse 14, ''And concerning you, my brethren, I myself also am convinced that you yourselves are full of goodness, filled with all knowledge, and able also to admonish one another.' Now you note here is a ministry that others in the body carry on besides leaders. But it's a requirement for leaders. We see this when we look at qualifications for leaders. These are demands placed upon every believer, but they are required especially of those who will lead the body. So here what is the basis for admonishing? Being full of goodness and filled with knowledge. That's able to admonish and correct a godly lifestyle. Knowing the word of God.

I Corinthians chapter 4 verse 14. Paul writes, ''I do not write these things to shame you, but to admonish you as my beloved children.'* See here you get in the context of correction that is meted out. Now I don't want to put you to shame, Paul says, 'but I have to admonish you as I would my children.' There's correction needed in the context of the love.

Colossians chapter 1. The book of Colossians, just before I Thessalonians, Colossians chapter 1 in verse 28. ''And we proclaim Him, admonishing every man and teaching every man with all wisdom, that we may present every man complete in Christ.'* You see that process of admonishing, joined together with teaching and the admonishing you have the idea of correcting
improper behavior and instructing the positive aspect of giving the truth. Together, use of the Spirit to bring us to maturity and completion in Christ.

Chapter 3 of Colossians, verse 16. ''Let the word of Christ richly dwell within you, with all wisdom teaching and admonishing one another...’’ So both are to go on. The teaching and the admonishing. These are the two prime realms that the leaders are to be laboring in, in giving spiritual oversight ruling the congregation and admonishing them, instructing them in the truth and correcting them with the truth of God that the congregation might be what God wants it to be.

Back in I Thessalonians 5. The first requirement then, is to know your leaders, appreciate them. They are those who are laboring in the realm of oversight and in the realm of admonishing. And you know them and you recognize them, then the second responsibility in verse 13, ''that you esteem then very highly in love because of their work.’’ You esteem them! Word usually means to think, to consider, to careful and deliberate consideration to something. Here in this context it means to esteem or hold highly, to hold in high regard. They’re to value and respect their leaders. You know it’s interesting to me, that Paul has to tell the Thessalonians to do this. You know why, I think? What is the worldly pattern in the realm where leadership is exercised? We see in in the realm of our governmental leaders. Someone gets into leadership and then what’s everybody else’s responsibility? To ridicule them, to put them apart, to undermine them, to point all they are doing wrong, to complain about them. That's the the flesh function as it relates to leadership. The flesh, fallen sinful humanity, rebels against leadership. You know the problem with that? That creep over into the church. And we allow ourselves to pick up worldly patterns of distrust towards leaders. So we view with suspicion and question the integrity and the motives of the leaders. That's the flesh at work in the light. Again if it's a clear issue that the leaders are in conflict with the word of God, then that must be dealt with. But the pattern that often creeps in, is that subtle undermining and questioning of the integrity and the motives of the leaders in what they are doing. Paul says they are to be held in high esteem.

They are to be highly regarded, not to be dismissed as of little or no account. He modifies this. He says that you esteem them very highly.

Let me read you what one Greek commentator said about this word translated, 'very highly,' It's an unusual word. He say: It's a very strong double superlative adverb. And that's impressive even of itself. A double superlative adverb! Meaning abundantly out of all bounds beyond all measure.

It calls for a degree quite beyond all imagination. We say, 'Wow!, don't you think that's laying it on a little thick. I mean it's one thing to say hold him in high regard, it's another thing to say him in such high regard that it goes beyond what we could imagine. Keep in mind that Paul is writing under the inspiration of the spirit. And these are leaders that God has provided for the congregation as his representatives. What other attitude would be fitting? And there’s a little expression here; a little prepositional phrase, 'esteem them very highly in love! And I think that helps to understand that I ought to use that word very highly. You do that very highly in love. Love causes us to value and esteem others beyond all realism.

Have you ever been in love? Can you remember back when you were really in love? Did you ever sit and listen to someone describe someone they were in love with? They tell you how wonderful they are and all their fine and gleaming qualities, and you know the person they are talking about. And they’re telling you how wonderful, you know you’ve gotten to know about this boy talking about this girl and she is this....she is that....Hm Hmmm! You know, what’s wrong with him? He’s in love! Now what does love do? It looks beyond the faults. It doesn't see the short comings. Doesn't see the failures. All it sees how wonderful this person is. All it picks out of this person is those qualities that are so beautiful and all the shortcoming and all the weaknesses are there, but love doesn't see it. True love does! We have the song, 'He looked beyond my faults and saw my needs.’ A picture of what loves does. It looks beyond the shortcomings and the failures, the weaknesses. That’s what he’s talking about here. You can esteem them very highly in love, but you couldn't do it without love. Cause I appreciate them for who they are in the Lord, what God has given them to do. So often in leadership and you've heard it so many times in so many churches, people picking apart the leaders because they are no more qualified than I am. Oh, this about them. That about them...this shortcoming.... that shortcoming. We need to stop and look at them in love and appreciate them beyond all reason--is what Paul says. And that's a manifestation of how the body loves his leaders. Tremendous statement.

Because of their work.'' I think this puts it in perspective. It doesn't say that you esteem me so highly in love because of my shining and dynamic and wonderful personality, although that could be a cause, but that's now the cause here. It's because of their work. That all puts in in perspective. I as a leader may not have the best personality in the world. I don't--I give my confession here (the people laugh). But it is the work that has called the leaders here who causes them to be esteemed very highly. You see it's put in proper perspective. It's in light of the fact that the spirit of God has placed them over the body. That's what makes me hold them so high in honor in love. The work of the spirit of God has appointed them to do, causes me to recognize and appreciate their value. So it doesn't have anything to do with my intrinsic work, or value as a person. And whether you relate well to me as person or not, because you know in the body, we all find ourselves attracted to some believers and not attracted to others. Not every believer is going to be your best friend. But we need to appreciate one another for what God is doing in our lives and for the work that he has called us to. And he has called the leaders to the responsibility of oversight to the body.

Now we tend to focus on personality. God wants us to focus on the work that we’ve been called to do. Puts it in proper perspective. The leaders in this local church, you're to esteem them because of their work. They may be thing you like about them, things you don’t like about them. You see shortcoming. You see failures. But you esteem them because of the work that God has given them to do.

Not done. There's a command to be given at the end. Note the command at the end of verse 13: ''Live in peace with one another.’’ Now he’s given a request for them to appreciate and to esteem their leaders. But now He gives them a command. He changes the form of an expression here to an imperative, giving a command: Live in peace with one another!! And I think you have to connect that with the context and what it shows is, is the importance of a proper attitude towards leadership for maintaining peace in the body. And I hold in light of the scripture that if you have a body that does not have a proper attitude towards the leaders, you will not have peace in that body. Because there will be division then, and multiple leaders in conflict with one another with their followers. So interesting, we talk about the lack of peace in so many churches and the conflict and the fighting and the bickering and so much of that is to be carried to one thing. A failure to function biblically to leaders.

Now there's a lot of complaint about leaders. And in the position I’m privileged to have I have contact and here from many people who have complaints about the leadership in their churches. And some of the leadership of some churches is pathetic. It's pitiful! It doesn't meet biblical standards and biblical qualifications. But we also need to recognize what God demands in this particular passage is a recognition and an understanding of the congregation's responsibility of its leaders. And you know the proper response of the leaders on the congregation enables leaders to be better leaders than they could've been otherwise. I believe I am a better leader than I had the potential to be personally as a result of people who were willing to follow. That's true of the elders of this congregation. They are better leaders than they had the potential to be, I believe, because of the people who were willing to be biblical in their following.
That makes such a dramatic difference, you cannot imagine.

It makes a difference in my ability to teach and preach the word. Because I'm teaching and preaching to people who are willingly following my leadership and that challenges you and that stretches you. That increased the intensity of your desire to have the Spirit of God to make you more the leader that God wants you to be. And many leaders in many congregation are pathetic because the congregation has not been willing to be used of God as their lives to enable them to become more mature leaders and better leaders.

I want to say something in the connection of leadership also. The test of leadership comes when you disagree. You know, I have no problem of following anyone as long as he does everything I want and the way that I want, when I want it. That’s great. Many churches are the same way. The pastor has no conflict as long as he does what the people and in the way that they want, when they want it.

You know when the test of my leadership comes? When we come to an area that you disagree. I don't think that's best. That's not the way I would do it. Then it comes the question-- who will lead? And that's the real test of my leadership and that the real test of your fellowship. Now again, if it is a conflict over doctrine, we need to resolve this. But most aren’t. I was involved with a church a little while ago, strong disagreement and dissension and division in the church and the members of that congregation came and said they wanted to talk to me about it. They wanted to talk to me about the leaders in the church and what they are doing wrong. I say, first of all, I have a question to ask you. Is your disagreement with the leaders in this church doctrinal or theological? They say it has nothing to do with doctrine or theology. Then I say very simply:
'I don't care to hear what you have to say. Your responsibility is to follow those leaders.' 'But wait a minute you haven't heard our side.' 'No, but I've heard God's side.' And God says you're responsible to follow the leaders. You said there is not a doctrinal issue at stake, there's not a theological issue at stake. You have no challenge on what the word of God says in this area. You're just unwilling to follow them.' It's clear! You submit and obey the leaders, otherwise there is no leadership.

If your children obey you when you’re home and only when you told them what they want to do, you’re not the real leader in that home. That's when I call my children you cannot go out tonight and they say, 'but I want to go out tonight’ and I say, 'But you're not going out tonight.' My leadership and their fellowship is being exercised. And that's the way it is in the church of Jesus Christ. Now I share this with you and it's a privilege to me to share it here, because I said when I began, I think one of the strengths of this body, (and I don't say it to flatter you), but I say it because it's been true. This has been a body that has been willing to follow its leaders. I share this ministry with other pastors when I've been in other places, that's one of the testimonies they've given regarding your faithfulness. You have a group of people who are willing to follow your lead. We could not be a great church without that. We could not produce godly people without that. My desire is that we continue in that pattern. That the leaders of this body do everything they must do. That they be godly leaders leading this church under the direction of the true shepherd, Jesus Christ. That you be maturing under their leadership that we might be leading you in the path that God wants you to go. That as a church we might be a testimony used in lives in others in other places of the pattern that God intends. Now the world to follow but the church to follow, that those men that He appoints as leaders are followed and honored and esteemed by the body of Christ, that he might work His purposes in our lives. Let's pray together.

Father thank you for Your plan In your church. Lord we're mindful that it is your church, Jesus Christ is the head of this local congregation. Father I as the pastor and the other pastors and elders, we have no right, no authority to lead this according to our own wishes and our desires but only to be submissive to the spirit and allow the Lord of the church to have His way. Thank you father for my privilege to be the shepherd of such a flock. A flock who have been willing to follow your leadership through me and through the other elders. Father who have been willing to be used to strength me, to enable me to grow and mature as a leader. Lord I pray that our leadership as elders might be used in the lives of the members of this body to bring in more maturity in Jesus Christ. That we might minister to one another. That we might labor in the realm that you've called us to; that we might be everything you want us to be, that we might be a great church because we are a church that has the spirit of god has the freedom to carry our your purposes. We ask it all in Christ name. Amen.


Posted on

August 18, 1985