
The Spirit of God Unveils the Truth


GR 1094

1 John 2:22-27


GR 1094

I John 2:22-27
Gil Rugh

1 John in your Bibles and the second chapter. I John chapter 2. And we have looked down in our study through the first 21 verses of chapter 2 and John is in the midst of beginning with verse 18 of warning his readers about the seriousness of the present situation. Problem behind I John is false teachers and false doctrine. Evidently those who held some of the doctrines that were later formulated in the coming years after John's death into what is called Gnosticism and these false teachers, false Christs, are really antichrists and John warns them and reminds them beginning in verse 18 that it is the last hour and they heard that antichrist is coming and even now many antichrists have arisen. From this we know that it is the last hour and that they heard that antichrist is coming and now many antichrists have arisen. From this we know that it is the last hour. We looked at the prophetic Scriptures that prophesy the coming of antichrist, that man who will set himself up in the temple opposed to God, opposed to Christ, the false Christ, the antichrist. Now the fact that there are many around, John says, that are antichrists, plural, is indicative of the fact that vie are living in the last times, the last hour. Because all these antichrists will find their culmination in this one person who in effect is the devil great counterfeit Christ.

In verse 19 some of these antichrists had been part of them but now had abandoned them and been revealed for what they are. And as it is true today, was also true then that those who held these false doctrines, there was elements of truth in what they believed and taught and so they were not always revealed immediately for the heretics that they were. With the passing of time the line was drawn and they separated themselves because they believed contrary to what the apostles taught.

But, verse 20, you have an anointing from the Holy One and you all know, and we noted this anointing is the Holy Spirit given to us as believers and enables all of us as believers to know the truth. We're going to be into this again in our section this evening. This is foundational. This is why we can understand the truth. And it sounds arrogant. It sounds like we are a special people and we are.

The gnostics, and the word comes from the Greek word for knowledge, claimed supernatural, special knowledge and insight. In effect, John says that you as believers have the anointing from the Holy One and you all know. So it is believers in Jesus Christ who have the Spirit of God indwelling them and so are the ones who have knowledge.

"I have not written to you because you do not know the truth but because you do know it and because no lie is of the truth." Now he's not writing to them because he questions their salvation. He writes to them because he is sure of their salvation and they can recognize a lie. So he draws the line and they will recognize who are the false and who are the true by the lines that he draws. And a key line is in the area of the lifestyle and then in the area of the doctrine.

Now with verse 22 he continues this same theme. He has ended verse 21 "no lie is of the truth." God is not the originator of lies but He is truth and from Him truth flows. He continues to pick up on that idea of the lie. "Who is the liar but the one who denies that Jesus is the Christ? This is the antichrist, the one who denies the Father and the Son. Whoever denies the Son does not have the Father. The one who confesses the Son has the Father also." So the heresy that he is dealing with here involves a denial of the Person of Jesus Christ. Who is the liar but the one who denies that Jesus is the Christ? I take it involved here is the Person of Christ, both as Messiah, as Deity, as Savior. Jesus, Jehovah Savior, is Christ, Messiah. So if you deny that Jesus is the Christ you are antichrist. But here you have denial of the Person of Christ and we mentioned when we started our study that some of the gnostics held an idea that the human Jesus was not Deity but that the Christ came upon Jesus the Man and was upon Him during part of His earthly ministry but before the crucifixion the Christ left Him. So Jesus was just a man upon whom the Christ descended and dwelt for a while so that the Jesus who was born in Bethlehem was not the Christ. The Jesus who died on the cross was not the Christ. So they made a distinction and a break between Jesus and Christ. John says if you deny that Jesus is Christ, you are antichrist. You must recognize that Jesus the man is the Christ. He is the Son of God, the Messiah of Israel. So anyone who would deny either the humanity or the Deity of Christ, His position as Messiah, is antichrist. So a strong statement. Now when you deny Christ, you in effect deny also the Father. This is the antichrist in verse 22, the one who denies the Father and the Son. Now you note—he picks up. The liar is the one who denies that Jesus is the Christ. In doing that you also deny the Father. So from a biblical perspective, every Unitarian is an atheist in the biblical sense because he not only denies Jesus Christ the Son of God. He also denies God the Father. Now it would claim perhaps not to do that, but in effect Unitarianism, not just the group that bears the title Unitarian, but all of those who deny the Deity of Jesus Christ in effect are antichrists and deny God the Father in their denial of Jesus Christ. We're going to spend a little bit of time on this even though it is basic because there is so much error.

I want to look at some passages of Scripture with you and read you a couple of examples from other sources. Look over in the Gospel of John. We have noted that John really draws the bulk of his material from his Gospel in his first epistle. And in John's Gospel, the fifth chapter. John chapter 5:23.
Verse 22. "Not even the Father judges anyone, but He has given all judgment to the Son in order that all may honor the Son even as they honor the Father. He who does not honor the Son does not honor the Father who sent Him." So you cannot honor God the Father without honoring Jesus Christ. He would dishonor Christ, the other side of this would be dishonor God the Father.

Look over in chapter 8 of John verse 19. John 8:19. "And so they were saying to Him, "Where is Your Father?' Jesus answered, 'You neither know Me nor My Father. If you knew Me you would know My Father. ' " Note that. To know one is the know the other. If you knew Me you would know My Father. If you know Christ, you know the Father.

Down to verse 42. "Jesus said to them, 'If God were your Father, you would love Me for I proceedeth forth and have come from God. For I have not even come on My own initiative, but He sent Me.'" So you note that. If God were your Father, you would love Me. So again, any relationship with God necessitates a relationship with His Son, Jesus Christ.

Look over in chapter 14 of John, verse 7. "If you had known Me you would have known My Father also. From now on you know Him and have seen Him." Down in verse 9. "Jesus said to him, 'Have I not been so long with you and yet you have not come to know Me Philip? He who has seen Me has seen the Father.'" There's this identification between Christ and the Father. They are distinct persons but they reidentified in essence. So when you know the Father you will know the Son. You cannot know one apart from the other.

Go back to I John and then go a few pages to II John. A little one chapter book. II John verse 9. "Anyone who goes too far and does not abide in the teaching of Christ does not have God." This theme is going to come out in the section before us tonight. "The one who abides in the teaching, he has both the Father and the Son." So you see you have both the Father and the Son. You cannot have One without the other. So that's why in effect a denial of Jesus Christ is a denial of God the Father. So in effect the Unitarian is to all practical purposes an atheist, although they have constructed a god in their mind. They have denied the one true living God by their denial of Jesus Christ His Son. They evidence they have no knowledge of the one true living God by their denial of His Son, Jesus Christ.

Come back to I John 2. Now what he says "This is the antichrist." He is identifying the antichrist's plural that he has talked about up in verse 18. This is not the final antichrist, although the final antichrist will epitomize this teaching. He will deny Christ and deny God in the strongest way of anyone since he will be in effect the devil's counterfeit Christ, culminating counterfeit Christ. "The one who denies the Father and the Son." The one— now note, verse 23. "Whoever denies the Son does not have the Father. The one who confesses the Son has the Father." And that word "confess". Remember back in I John 1:9. "If we confess our sins", here confessing the Son. We noted back there—confessing sin is an attitude of a believer. Those who don't confess sin are unbelievers. You must agree with God about sin to be saved. You must also agree with God about His Son Jesus Christ to have salvation.

The word "to confess" means to say the same thing, to agree. So the one who confesses the Son has the Father also. So what a person believes about Jesus Christ reveals to you his relationship with God. Whether he has a relationship or not. Whether he has God as his Father or not. So you see it's not a matter of me passing judgment, it's a matter of God passing judgment. So you ask a person what he believes about Jesus Christ, the Person of Christ, the work of Christ. He denies that Jesus is the Son of God, God in the flesh, the Messiah, the Savior, he is antichrist. He reveals he has no relationship with God. He is not a child of God. So that's the verdict that God Himself has rendered.

This section is crucial because it means today that the vast majority of Protestant churches are antichrist, that many of our churches, and I single out Protestant churches because we are in the line of Protestants, are pastored by men who are antichrists. Now important to see how the line is drawn in chapter 2. The issue and the battleground has not changed. We don't use the name "gnostics" for the heretics we confront, but the beliefs and the doctrines are the same. That we have multitudes of seminaries in this country supposedly turning out ministers, the faculties being composed and comprised of men who deny the Person of Jesus Christ. They are antichrist and these antichrists in turn out antichrists.

And just unless you do not understand, let me read you. I'm going to read you from a book by William Barclay since his name comes up quite a bit and I mentioned before and it has become more clear where he stood since he did his autobiography before his death where he revealed the fact that he was a universalist who believed that all men would be saved, that there would be no hell and so on. But in his commentary, word studies on the New Testament. Very excellent works as far as getting insight on the background of the Greek language. Superb linguist. Well in this book, Jesus as They Saw Him published in 1962, he has a chapter on Jesus as God and in effect what he does is dismantle that doctrine by showing that he himself doesn't believe it. And he has some strange statements, strange to our ears.

And I just want to read you. After he goes through all the passages on the Deity of Christ, he comes to the conclusion that there is only one passage in the New Testament, John 20:28, where there is no doubt that Jesus is called God. You say, well I could come up with a number. Well, he takes all of these and shows that maybe there is a question about them and so we don't want to bring them into consideration.

John 20:28. Thomas falls down before Christ and says, "My Lord and my God!" Now he gives this point because he says then that this isn't a doctrinal passage. Let me read you. "It is extremely significant then on the one occasion where there is no argument [no argument regarding this called Jesus God] in the case of Thomas the statement is not a theological proposition but a lover's cry. It is not the product of intellectual reasoning, but of intense personal emotion. That is why I think we can still without hesitation call Jesus "God" in a hymn of adoration while it is stated as a theological dogma still evokes a certain hesitancy. They say this becomes you know, so much twisted thinking." What in effect he is saying I have no problem with singing the hymn that Thou my God shouldst die for me. That's the devotional expression of my heart. Now as theological truth that's a different issue. So he divides his life now into devotional expression and theological expression and there be hesitancy to express theologically that Jesus is God, but no problem with it devotionally. You see either the deceptiveness that comes that a man would even reason like this. I don't want to be expressing something devotional that is heresy. As though calling Jesus Christ God was a devotional thought if it's not theologically true. I mean, it's heresy worthy of stoning that Thomas would bow down and call Jesus Christ God if it's not so and he says it's a lover's cry. I mean, I haven't called my wife "God" ever. You know it's nonsense. It's the explanation of a heretic who does not want to alienate evangelical people but still cannot agree to the Deity of Jesus Christ.

And he has another statement. "It is further clear that Jesus never set Himself on equality with God nor did He identify Himself with God." That's not how the Jews understood it when in John they wanted to stone Him because He made Himself equal with God. But from Barclay's perspective he didn't do it. "The unity that existed between Jesus and God" and you hear this in every liberal's expression. "It therefore follows that the unity between Jesus and God is a unity of love. Not a unity of essence, not a unity of being. There is not an identity of Deity here. There is a unity of love and what happens in Christ? The love of God is most fully realized. That's different than saying Jesus is God and then he closes out his book by quoting the heretic Nels Foray as having said a wise thing. "You can say that Jesus is God but you cannot say God is Jesus." Element of truth in that. Cannot say God is Jesus because God is also the Holy Spirit and God is also the Father, but that's not the point he's making. Point he is making is that Jesus Christ is other than Deity. "What we can see in Jesus is God and His attitude and relationship to men and that is all we need to know. That is what we see perfectly earned in Jesus and that is why it is right to call Jesus God." You know get done reading that chapter—I don't know how many times I've read it and you say, what is he trying to say? He is trying to say use the terminology Jesus is God without meaning that Jesus is Deity. And so we have also carried that today that there are those who would say Jesus is divine, but He is not Deity. He is godlike but He is not God. And you get into all kinds of twisted things. You know why? To pull the wool over unsuspecting eyes so that the unbeliever is not as clear. And I've shared before with you. Why would they do that?

I asked a pastor who formerly pastored down the road here that at one time. Say, do you ever tell your people that this is what you really believe? You know what he told me? Actually said this and I've shared it with you before— he says, Of course not. They'd throw me out! You ought to go do something honest for a living. Rob banks! Do something. No, I wouldn't tell him that. They'd throw me out. That's actually what he said. All right. I don't know where he is today. Perhaps he is doing something honest.

I want to read you from a sermon that was preached here in the city in one of the prominent Protestant pulpits regarding the Second Coming of Christ since you must believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Messiah. And you get an idea of this person's attitude toward the Deity of Jesus Christ because he starts right out by telling you Jesus Christ was wrong. He talks about first century Christians.
They expected Jesus to come back then in the first century, not in the twentieth. That's true. First-century Christians were looking for Christ to return at any time. It is likely that Jesus Himself believed this and then he quotes from Christ. And then he says, "If these are the words of Jesus", and with his view of inspiration I realize he has a problem. "If these are the words of Jesus and if we understand their meaning, then it seems quite clear that Jesus must have expected that He would leave the earth and return in some dramatic way in His own generation." Obviously—he was wrong. That tells you something of what he believes about the Person of Christ, does it not? Then he goes on also to say that Paul believed this but he was in error and there's no reason for scholars to say that Paul was in error. Paul says it himself. In fact he had to send a second letter to correct the first. He wrote the first letter to the Thessalonians, told them about the coming of Christ. Then he wrote the second letter to the Thessalonians to tell them he was wrong in the first letter. After all, Jesus did not return as Paul expected and he had to adjust his thinking to the facts.

So he wrote a second letter counseling patience and trying in a general way to put the matter right. Then he says later, "I am willing to concede that this belief in a second coming has given a kind of hope to hopeless people but there has been no substance to the hope so that ultimately it has done great damage. Finally, there is also sold scriptural support for the notion that Jesus has already come back in the only way He is ever coming. Tells you something of what he believes about Jesus as Messiah. He is not coming back. He has already been back the only way He is coming. Then after, I'm pulling out selectively I realize because I would not want to read you the whole sermon. "I cannot speak for you but for me this word from the Gospel of John that Jesus returned in a spiritual way is much more consistent with a true biblical view of Jesus Christ. Let me just read you the closing statement. "We celebrate Christ's coming again and His presence with us every time" now listen to this closely—he is going to start again. "We celebrate Christ's coming again and His presence with us every time we experience a moment of illumination. Every time we decide for truth when a lie would have brought us fame or profit. Every time we let love and gentleness rule our tongues when we have attempted to be hateful and vindictive. Every time we have stood for love and justice. This means that Christ comes back a thousand, thousand times for those who open the door to His Spirit." In fact the whole issue of Jesus as Messiah is a nonissue. Every time you experience a moment of illumination, you read a lovely poem. You look at a beautiful flower, you experience the second coming of Christ. All that is another way to continue to be able to use terminology. Why do you talk about the Second Coming of Christ at all? You know why he talks about the Second Coming of Christ? He is in a Protestant pulpit and Protestants over the years have talked about the Second Coming of Christ. So the antichrist has picked up the terminology so they too can talk about it because somebody has to pay the bills before they talk about it without meaning, without content, without significance. So we read about here about the antichrist who denies who Jesus Christ is.

You know the line is drawn. We just, we've been going to a camp that is backed by a major Protestant denomination. When Gary called to make reservations for our high school a couple of weeks ago, you know what they told him? The director of the camp said, "I'm sorry." The ministers of our denomination met — the Board and Indian Hills is not welcome to reserve this camp any longer. You know why? Because of what they believe about the Bible. What they believe about certain ministers in this denomination. We don't want any Indian Hills groups in this facility any more. Well, at least they recognize what we believe, where we stand. It's true. Believe that everyone who denies the Person or the work of Jesus Christ is antichrist and the devil is no dummy. He has put many of these antichrists in the pulpits of the churches, in the seminaries to train the pastors and they are not antichrist because I say it.
They are antichrist if they fit what John says under the inspiration of the Spirit. I'm not saying every Protestant minister is an antichrist. And I know you know that but I want everybody on tape to know that too. I realize that not every Protestant minister is an antichrist. Many Protestant ministers believe the Word of God, believe in the Person and work of Jesus Christ, but any who do not are antichrist and it doesn't matter what their denominational affiliation or lack of denominational affiliation is. And you note—I have not mentioned any denominations this evening.

All right. Look back in I John chapter 2. Verse 24. "As for you let that abide in you which you heard from the beginning if what you heard from the beginning abides in you, you will also abide in the Son and in the Father." Contrast to false teachers. They are to let the truth abide in them, dwell in them and reside in them. Same truth they have heard from the beginning concerning Christ, concerning what He has done. These antichrists have revealed themselves by their denial of that truth and the refusal to have it abide in them. For us it's different. If what you heard from the beginning abides in you, you will also abide in the Son and in the Father. Remember what we read in II John 9? Anyone who goes too far and does not abide in the teaching of Christ does not have God. The one who abides in the teaching, he has both the Father and the Son." I take it you can say it either way. The teaching abides in you and you abide in the teaching. The same as we can say about God. I abide in God and God abides in me and anyone who does not abide in the teaching regarding the Person and work of Jesus Christ does not have God. The line is clearly drawn. This is the standard by which men are measured.

Now you note back in I John 2:24. It's a mutual relationship. It says the Son and the Father. You abide in them. You also will abide in the Son and in the Father. Let me read you again from the Gospel of John chapter 14:23. "Jesus answered and said to him, 'If anyone loves Me he will keep My word and My Father will love him and we will come to him and make our abode with him.'" So you see God the Father and God the Son come and make their abode in the believer and the believer makes his abode in the Father and in the Son. There is a mutual sharing. We saw that back earlier where we have an anointing in verse 20 from the Holy One. We saw that anointing is the Holy Spirit.

My understanding is that the Holy Spirit is the focal point of the Trinity who indwells the believer but we are also told that the Father and the Son also indwell the believer, abide in us. I take it Father, Son and Holy Spirit— the Triune God indwells the believer. You don't know the focal point is on the ministry of the Spirit in the believer's life.

Okay. Verse 25. "And this is the premise which He Himself made to us eternal life." This is the promise that God has given to us, that Christ has given to us—eternal life. God's promise to all of those who believe in His Son Jesus Christ, who abide in the teaching, who abide in God and God in them. They have eternal life. I tell you this is a strong section on the security of the believer. We have eternal life which means life for eternity.

Jump back to the Gospel of John again. John's Gospel chapter 3. John's Gospel chapter 3:15. "That whoever believes may in Him have eternal life." Eternal life is found by believing in Jesus Christ. That's the same thing that John has been writing about. We abide in the teaching concerning Christ. We confess, agree with God, concerning Jesus Christ. These are the ones who have eternal life. Whoever believes in Him has eternal life. Verse 16. "For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whosoever believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life." The possession of eternal life is inseparably linked to our faith in Jesus Christ, our agreement with God about Jesus Christ, our abiding in Him. I take it all saying the same thing expressing the same truth.

Look over in chapter 6 of John. Verse 40. John 6:40. "This is the will of My Father that everyone who beholds the Son and believes in Him may have eternal life." In that connection of having eternal life with our attitude, our faith in Jesus Christ.

And one more verse while you are in chapter 6 there. Verse 47. "Truly, truly I say to you, he who believes has eternal life."

So come back to I John 2. "This is the premise which He Himself made to us eternal life." So the promise is eternal life to who? To those who have this truth abiding in them concerning Jesus Christ. Is that what we have been talking about? We have been talking about the Person of Christ, denying that truth? Or what is then—this is the premise He made to us—eternal life. What does that context, the promise of eternal life—believing in the Son, Jesus Christ. Having that truth abide in you. The truth concerning Christ and His work. The result of that is eternal life. You are a possessor of eternal life which can mean nothing but life for eternity which means it cannot end which means that I have eternal security. Verse 26. "These things I have written to you concerning those who are trying to deceive you." Who has John been talking about? He is warning them about deceivers. He is warning them about antichrists who would teach heresy concerning the Person of Christ. That Jesus is not the Christ. That you misunderstand concerning those who would try to teach you, the examples of which I read to you. It's a warning here concerning those who would deceive us. No excuse. The Christian should be deceived and duped.

Okay. Do you think they have written to you concerning those who are trying to deceive you and as for you, the anointing which you received from Him abides in you." I take it the anointing that abides in us—back to verse 20, is the Holy Spirit. So the truth abides in us, the Holy Spirit abides in us. True of believers. The anointing which you received from Him abides in you and you have no need for anyone to teach you. The Holy Spirit indwells us, He is resident within us.

Ought to maybe note. It says, for you, the anointing which you received. In the aorist tense denotes something point action, usually in past time. So as believers they had received the anointing of the Spirit of God at a point of time in the past. John doesn't go into the details of that. But from the whole context it would have been when they believed because believers are those who have this anointing. So you can't be a believer without the anointing. For you, the anointing which you received from Him abides in you. You have no need for anyone to teach you. But as His anointing teaches you about all things and is true and is not a lie and just as it has taught you, you abide in Him. Now what is going on here is as true with so many false teachers, they claim to have something new and something special—insight. The gnostics. We have a knowledge that no one else has. That ought to perk your ears up. Something is wrong. Because all believers have the Holy Spirit. I have no new truth to tell. You have the Holy Spirit. He is the One who teaches you.

So verse 27. "You have no need for anyone to teach you." Now we know that God gives the gift of teachers to the Church. We see that in I Corinthians 12, Ephesians chapter 4. But the point of the matter is we are not dependent upon human instruments and the teachers that are gifted are simply men through whom the Spirit of God presents the truth of the Word of God. But I can't teach you. Only the Holy Spirit can do that. So He is our teacher. He teaches us in conformity to the truth of the Word of God. As His anointing teaches you about all things and is true and is not a lie just as it has taught you, you abide in Him. So these Christians ought not to be shaken. The Holy Spirit indwells them. He has taught us from the truth of the Word that we abide in Christ. Now someone else comes along with a teaching that says, Oh, I don't really abide in Christ. I need this extra step. Someone else canes along and says, oh, the Holy Spirit doesn't indwell you. You need the baptism. Say, something's wrong. The Bible tells me is that I have the anointing, that I do abide in Him. The Holy Spirit teaches me and He doesn't teach me a lie. We have read that in repeated passages. Then someone comes along and says you don't abide in Christ? Wait a minute—I don't abide in Christ? I'm a believer. He abides in me and I abide in Him. The Holy Spirit has taught me that from the Word of God. That's no new truth, no different truth. This will be a ministry of the Spirit and we looked at this last week in I Corinthians 2. "The Spirit searches all things even the depths of God and He is the One who has revealed to us the things which eye has not seen nor ear heard; neither have entered into the heart of the man the things which God has prepared for those who love Him." We learned them by the ministry of the Spirit of God. He has revealed them to us by His Spirit.

So the natural man cannot know the things of God. Why? Because they are spiritually discerned as only the Spirit can teach. That's why an unbeliever if he'd come and listen to Bible studies forever, unless the Spirit teaches Him, He'll never understand, never grasp. That's why William Barclay could be perhaps one of the greatest Greek scholars, at least of his day. Some would say the most preeminent and missed the basic teaching of the Word of God. It's a humbling thing. Realize an intellect like this and he did not grasp the truth concerning the Person of Jesus Christ. That's revealed truth. Now we find it in the Scripture but only as the Spirit of God teaches us from the Scripture.

John chapter 14:26. John 16:13. Just jot them down. Jesus refers to the fact that the Spirit will teach you. When He sent the Spirit He promised that the Spirit would teach them. So that is what John is picking up here. The Spirit is the teacher. So I am living my life now in that realm. I abide in Him and He abides in me. And you see, verse 27. "The anointing which you received from Him abides in you and the last statement of verse 27." You abide in Him." It's that mutual abiding that we have stressed that John carries over from his Gospel. The Spirit of God abides in you and you abide in Him and if you believe that you can cease to abide in Christ you must also believe that the Spirit of God can cease to abide in you. And then you're back to Romans chapter 8. "If any man have not the Spirit of Christ, he does not belong to Him." And one error leads to another if we are consistent. Praise God that many believers who believe that error are not consistent and don't follow through to its logical conclusion. Fact of the matter is I abide in God all the time. He abides in me and it's a mutual abiding. Because of that there's no need for us to be deceived. We can discern antichrists. Now sometimes I have to be careful. Some of them are more clever and deceitful than others.

They don't stand up and say, Dear folks—I want you to know I am an antichrist. No. They masquerade as angels of light as Satan himself does, Paul told the Corinthians. How do I know what they are? I perceive and pursue them on the subject of the Person of Jesus Christ and His work. We'll get more to His work as we get later on in John. Emphasis here more on His person, but His work also involved as the Christ. And interesting as you talk one on one with so many of these. It is revealed what they are. They reveal themselves to be what they are.

I was watching a program that some of you would have seen over the holidays and in that program from this church in the city they were reading different Scripture passages. The pastor got up and read different Scripture passages, referred to them, yet I have talked to him personally and he told me he didn't believe them. Almost made me throw up on the carpet. Now I realize that's not good manners. Throwing up on the carpet or talking about it here. But here is a man who by his own admission does not believe it and he is carrying on this sham of reading it and going through all the motions. You know why? Because generally Protestant people celebrate the birth of Christ and refer to the Scriptures at this time of year and they are simply capitalizing on it. But by his own admission he doesn't believe it. What in the world is he reading that passage for? What in the world is he talking about that for? He himself said he don't believe it, doesn't believe it. Don't be deceived. All you got to do is evaluate them here. You have the Spirit of God. I have the Spirit of God. He teaches us from the Word of God. It doesn't matter how clever they are if they don't measure up to what the Word of God says they are antichrists and as antichrists I want nothing to do with them.

Let's pray together


Posted on

January 16, 1983