
Worshiping the Unchanging, Omnipotent God



Selected Verses


The unchanging omnipotent God…………………….Chris Thomas…………………………………1/17/17

Proverbs 9:10

“Without the knowledge of God, all worship is unacceptable worship, not ultimately any different from the grossest idolatry.”

“Idolatry is thinking thoughts about God that are untrue of Him, or entertaining thoughts about Him that are unworthy of Him.”

Hosea 6:6
Romans 1:23
2 timothy 4:2-4
Psalm 50:21
Jeremiah 29:13
Proverbs 2:3-5
Matthew 7:7

The difficulty in knowing God

1. We must understand initially that God is incomprehensible.
2. No metaphor can fully explain God.
3. There are many more attributes of God than those we know.

1 Corinthians 13:12

God is Immutable

Psalm 102:25-27

Malachi 3:6

James 1:17

“when we say the God doesn’t change, we mean that He never changes His character or His will.”
Romans 11:29

2 Timothy 2:13

God is omnipotent

Characteristics of an all powerful God.

1. That power is exclusive to God alone..
2. God can do one thing as easily as He can another.
3. He demonstrates His power without losing any of His strength.
Isaiah 40:28
4. God has absolute authority to use this power however He wants.

Psalm 115:3

Romans 9:19,20

4 areas that Gods power can be clearly seen.

1. His ability to make something from nothing.
Psalm 33:6,9
Romans 4:17
Isaiah 44:24

2. His ability to sustain His creation.
Hebrews 1:3

3. His ability to redeem the lost.
1 Corinthians 1:26-28

4. His ability to raise the dead.
John 5:28,29

How does knowing God is all powerful, along with all these facts, enhance our worship?

1. It gives me confidence in Him. When I feel powerless, He remains and always will be
powerful to help.
Ephesians 3:20

2. It’s a great source of encouragement.
Ephesians 6:10

3. We don’t need to fear that we will lose our salvation.
2 timothy 1;12
Romans 8:33,35


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January 17, 2017