Unity of the Body

1 Corinthians 12 Several of the previous articles have dealt with the topic of unity. First Corinthians 12 is another passage that discusses the basis of unity with other believers and the actions of a unified body. First Corinthians 12 deals primarily with the topic...

Patience Toward One Another

“We urge you, brethren, admonish the unruly, encourage the fainthearted, help the weak, be patient with everyone” (1 Thessalonians 5:14). The Bible has much to say concerning the patience that believers in the Lord Jesus Christ are to exhibit in their walk before the...

Bond of Unity in the Holy Spirit

The apostle Paul is not only a brilliant theologian, he is very practical in his instructions about how to apply the theology he teaches. Chapter four is the beginning of the application section of Ephesians and in verse 1 we read, Therefore I, the prisoner of the...

We Are to Be United as the Body of Christ

Philippians 2:1-4 Contention in today’s culture (particularly politics) seems to be at an all-time high. Factions and self-seeking agendas mark a clear line of delineation between people. This, however, is not how Christians are to operate. Under the inspiration of...

Consistency in Fellowship

You wake up on Sunday morning; your head is throbbing; you have fever pain; and this is going to be one morning that you are not going to make it to church. Next Sunday rolls around. You wake up to howling wind and a blinding blizzard; you check the website, services...