Peace – A Fruit of the Spirit

Galations 5:22: “But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace …” Peace Defined The peace provided by the Holy Spirit is described as inner quietness of soul, in contrast to dread or terror. Peace is expressed by complete confidence in our all-sufficient God; being...

Our All-Powerful God

How great is God’s arm? To what can He be compared so we can grasp the breadth of His power? What are the historical fingerprints of what He has accomplished in times past? What has He promised to do in the future? Who are the recipients of His great deeds? God Is...

We Can Know God the Father Through Jesus Christ

Have you ever wanted to meet a famous person for just one hour to learn from them and understand their path through life leading to fame? How much greater is our privilege to know the God who created all things, and Scripture tells us exactly how we can know God the...

Diligence in Prayer

Many people have exercised strong prayer lives. They may have been a homebound mother, a business man, or the famed apostle Paul who stated in 1 Thessalonians 1:2, “We give thanks to God always for all of you, making mention of you in our prayers.” These individuals...