
Self-control is the last fruit listed in Galatians 5:23 but it is not the least. Webster defines self-control as self-mastery, self-command, self-restraint, willpower, restraint over one’s own impulses, emotions, or desires. When we think about a word like this, it...

God’s Sovereignty

Sovereign means principal, chief, or supreme. When we use the word in relation to God, it takes on a whole new level of meaning that we as mankind can have difficulty reconciling in our finite minds. This attribute is the attribute that is an umbrella over all other...

God’s Power

When we speak about any facet of God and His attributes, there is always the danger of bringing God down to man’s level in our understanding. Over simplification of any attribute of God can lead to a watering down of who God is and lower Him from His rightful place of...

Diligence in Prayer Brings Peace

Prayer is a privilege that believers have to converse with God and He commands us to come to Him with our requests. Not because it is just another work He requires from us, but it is for our good, and benefits us while here on earth. In the previous articles on prayer...